When they comfort you

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Requested by: DaOneFanGirl


He entered and saw you crying so he asked what wrong is. You point at TV and said your favorite character died. He sighed but hugged you and said the actor's still alive. You just hug back. He rubbed your back before saying he will let you meet the actor in real life so hug him so hard he almost had trouble breathing.


He entered and didn't see you so he went to your room and saw you crying. He asked waht wrong is. He sat down aside you and stroked your hair. You said your toy broke. He said he can fix it. so he glued it better. You just sat on his lap and watched him glue it. he handed it back so you clap hands. Said he's really a hero. He chuckled before thanking you.


She saw you crying so she picked you up. She wiped your tears before saying a Romanoff doesn't cry. You knick quickly and wiped tears with palms but then cry again so she asked what now. You said you rubbed eyes too hard. She sighed and kissed your temple saying your so innocent.


You missed the target many times with arrows so felt bad and cried. Clint ran to the garden and said not to cry. He said he will teach you. So both began shooting arrows all day. Clint asked if your feeling better now. You nod before hugging him so he hugged back.


He and you were both in the lab. You sat on Tony's lab. Suddenly dropped some syringe so cried. Tony freaked out and handed you to Bruce. Bruce rolled his eyes before saying they can buy a new one. You nod before saying your still feeling bad. So he took you shopping to the store so you can take your mind off the guilt of dropping it.


You were playing around but accidently cut his coat so cried. He panicked and said he can always stitch it. you shake head so he gave you a flower and said not to cry. You nod and he put the flower in your hair.


He and you were playing. You wanted to place his helmet on his head but hit him accidently so he glared. You cry and said he hates you. He panicked and picked you up saying he isn't mad. You stand on his lap and kiss his head where you hit him. He rubbed your back. You hug his neck so he said he's fine. You shake head so both stayed like that thile your better.


He was sleeping so you slap his arm. He slapped it up but forgot it's his metal one so you cry since it hit your face. He picked you up and yelled he's sorry. You ran away so he chased and said he's sorry. You went behind chair so at this point it's a game of Tag. At the end where laughing so Bucky knew you forgave him.


He came home and saw you crying. He asked what wrong is. You said Spongebob got canceled this week. He chuckled and said eh will play with you. He picked you up and put you on his lap. So both played with toys to cheer you up.

Dr Strange:

You fell off the cloak again so dad ran in. He sighed and said to stop running on the cloak if it's so slippery inside. Dad picked you up and kissed your nose. He said to be more careful so you nod.


He was running around chasing the dog yelling he will kill it if he poops in the house again. You giggled but then he accidently hit you so he froze. He said not to cry. But you didn't listen and cried. He cursed and yelled it's all the dog's fault. You giggle at hsi rage and touch his nose so he smiled back at you. You said a hug will help. He sighed and said hugs are for kids. You mumble your one. So both hugged. He bought your favorite game... well stole your favorite game.

Nick Fury:

You were crying because you were lonely. Your dad entered and kneeled. He asked if your okay. You said you miss him. He sighed and said he will stay here for today. You nod and hug him. So he hugged back before saying to get off. You said he's tsundere. He asked where you learned such a word. You point at the Anime on TV. He shut it off and said to stop watching such stuff.

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