When they go shopping with you

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Requested by: Kookie-cinnamon-roll


You always go shopping with him. He only comes along to flirt with people or judge your clothing style. So you always beg him not to come. At this point, he only comes to annoy you.


He sometimes comes along since he wants to make sure you don't do anything wrong. He would always be judging the teenage girls who wear crop tops and too short shorts. He would always say 'In my time-' and you would just sneak away to the next shop.


She trusts you so doesn't come along. She only comes if she needs more clothes, but she mostly wears her suit so that's probally twice a year.


You always go shopping with him and siblings. You hate the store and so does father. So both would just buy ice cream and wait on siblings and mother to finish shopping. If they would still be shopping, both would just walk around searching for more arrows.


He doesn't like going in public so would go alone. He fears he will go Hulk if he gets angry when someone flirts with you.


He loves to go to the shopping mall. He always would stay in one store for hours, fanboying over the humans stuff. You would have to drag him around or would be here all day.


You both hate the human world so would both only go once a year. It would be hell. Everyone pushing each other. People talking too loud. You would beg him to leave the store but he would say one more store. So both would sighed and do it. then run out the mall and go back into house.


He goes wherever you go. He fears someone will take you away. You would always tell him you don't need a bodyguard. He would glare and say he's your father. You just do shopping. He doesn't say what you can or cannot buy so that's good. It just annoys you how much he follows you.


He would want to go along just to see what you buy so he can buy you clothes in the right size and your style. You would tell him to stop following but he would say he just wants to be a good dad. So let him be.

Dr Strange:

He let's you be. He only comes when he doesn't have anything else to wear. He would try to avoid you because he knows you hate it if friends see you and him shopping togehter.


He would tease you when in the underwear alley. You would glare and leave quickly to get away from everyone's stare when dad would be embarrassing you. He would wear a bra and show you. You would just act like you don't know him.

Nick Fury:

He's too busy to go shopping with you. You would ask him to come but he would say he has stuff to do. the one time he went with you, he just drank the coffee and stayed outside while saying nothing. You said it's no difference if he comes or not.

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