When you're sick

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This is a very old book (end 2018), and while rewriting it, I noticed it by how I still used the "Thor loves poptarts" thing a lot. (For those who don't get it, it's a thing many people wrote in fanfics when Thor came out.)

Just a reminder; reader's age changes depending on the scenarios, but for scenarios like this one, you can decide whatever age you want them to be since you can get sick at any age.


He will have Pepper take care of you if he can't. But if he can, he will hang out with you the whole day, keeping you company and sending Pepper to go buy you the best medicine.


He will try his best to take care of you in his free time. If you refuse to rest and take your medicine, he will assure you the sickness will leave if you take your medicine and rest. But if he has a mission, he will ask the others if they can go to the mission instead so he can take care of you. If no one can take his place, he will drop you off at Clint's place since he knows Clint will know how to take care of a sick child since he has three.


He has three other children besides you, so of course he knew how to take care of you when you fell ill. He has it easy since when he gets a mission, he can leave and be at ease knowing Laura will take good care of you. He has a cabinet full of medicine for when you or your siblings suddenly choose to fall ill so he has medicine ready.


She knows you're strong so she will trust you enough to leave you alone when she has a mission. But if you're really sick, she will ask Clint or Bruce to watch over you. If you're still a little child and you don't take your medicine, she will tell you a silly tale of monsters and how they eat children who don't eat their medicine till you finally eat your medicine.


He knows what medicine is best for you. If you refuse to take it, he will nervously explain about how you need it while holding the medicine to your mouth. He will make sure you're tucked in your bed and comfortable. He doesn't like anyone watching over his sick child so he will stay at home and watch over you himself.


He will be stuffing you full with food, mostly poptarts since they make him feel better so they must also make you feel better. That was till Bruce came and told him to stop, to which Thor said weak people need to eat more and become stronger. So Bruce will mostly take care of you while Thor will make sure you're still happy.

Avengers X Child Reader Scenarios (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now