You discover what your good at

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Requested by: TheLazycouchpatato


Violin. He's sometimes too busy so you once found a violin and began playing it. At first it was for fun but now can make a whole, beautiful song. Tony found out when he found you playing it after an argument you two had.


Art. He noticed you always had a creative side so he helped you learn to draw. You found out he could draw when Natasha said he sometimes teaches art in Xavier School. You now would sometimes go to the park with your father to just draw whatever you two see.


Anything with guns. She noticed you liked guns when you always went to the Nerf guns so she teached you about it. Now you know every piece of the gun, how to use it and such on. She's really proud of it because now she doesn't need to worry about you getting hurt.


Archery, of course. Since you got out the womb, he has being teaching you about arrows and all that. You might even be able to beat him in archery now, which he's jealous of.


Math. It's a big surprised for everyone, even you! You always failed in it and always threw the text book that even mentioned one word of math out the window, that's why you always got suspended. But Bruce wasn't happy with it so you studied it and it was actually quiet easy and fun. Now Bruce's proud, he sometimes lets you help him solve something that resolves around math.


Horseriding. You sometimes went with uncle Loki to go ride around the forest on your horse. Thor wasn't on Asgard for a month and Loki noticed how upset you looked so he let you come along. At first he was annoyed at how slow of a learner you are but now he's happy he has someone to go with. Thor is really proud of both you and Loki.


Your powers. Loki always had trouble to get you to learn about your powers but you eventually controlled them and now use them responisbly. Except that one time you iced that bitch for calling Loki a monster. Loki's just proud he got you to learn and control them.


Fighting. You noticed your father was always worried HYDRA might come back and takehim and you so you took secret fighting lessons with Natasha. He found out when he came to pick you up from school but you were in a fight and damn you won that fight. Buckywas really proud but also mad because now he has hospital bills to pay for the kid you almost killed. Now Bucky is less worried and can focus on his own life a bit more.


Other languages. He had to study Russian for some damn reason but he couldn't so you helped. What both you and him learned was that you easily learn languages so you now can speak Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Russian, English and so on. Peter is so proud but he does get annoyed when he can't under stand what your saying.

Dr Strange:

Writing stories. You discovered it on how many views you got on Wattpad and Quotev so you choose to publish a book. Your father only found out when he passed by a store and saw your name on a book. He bought it and read it. he was so proud and was so in the book that he basically begged for a part two. You just nervously laughed and said you will.


Video Games. It might be weird but your really good. You barely die in your games and always find the easter eggs without Youtube's help. Deadpool is jealous of how good you are because you always beat him in games like Mortal Kombat.

Nick Fury:

Taking care of yourself. You knew that already. You knew the second you heard your father say he has work, you knew he will have to take care of yourself. He's always busy being the boss of the Avengers and so on. You would have to cook for yourself and clean. But Nick would of course try his best to call every two hours and make sure your doing fine. He's really proud. When Maria and him are on break she would have to listen to him rambling on about how proud he is of you.

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