Your first toy

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Requested by: Hiddlest0nTears-


He noticed you always playing with his screwdriver so he bought you a toy one so you won't hurt yourself with it.


He noticed you always staring at his pencil when he's drawing. He gave it but you began chewing on it immediatly so he quickly bought you a toy one. He smiled as you hugged it and fell asleep.


She was just carrying you through the shop, to find your first toy. You did your arms to something and she noticed it was a Nerf gun. She chuckled and said that's too dangerous for you. You were only a baby so would try eating the bullets. She bought you another one which didn't have bullets which you could choke on.


Of course it's a bow. He couldn't get his eldest child to get into archery so he wanted you to. He noticed you liked it also so he got more happy.


He bought you a toy syringe because he couldn't find anything other in time. You always chewed on it so when you found a real one, you automatically chewed on it. Bruce panicked so much and began yelling not to. You just cry at his loud voice so he apologized.


Of course he bought you a smaller toy hammer. You noticed him on TV while he did a superhero pose. You got impressed and tried it also. Thor laughed before stroking your back.


Of course it was gonna be his scepter but then smaller and safer. You always swinged it around while giggling. You once accidently hit him with it making you cry. He just said it's okay. He rubbed his cheek so you did arms up with grabby hands. He picked you up and you kis his cheek making him smile.


He noticed you always crawled to his motorcycle. He just bought you a toy motorcycle. You were so happy and he noticed. So later when you were older; he gave you lessons how to drive it. You were so excited that you almost crashed. So he didn't let you get on a motorcycle for 5 months but after begging he continued to teach you.


Of course it was a toy spider. You still have it since it's your first toy and it reminds you of him. It was also good because now you aren't afraid of spiders.

Dr Strange:

Your toy was the Cloak of Levitation. You always held it and chewed it. when you chewed it your father would say not to chew it. He would have to pull you off making you cry. He would sighed and hand back the cloak making you happy.


Swords. No not toy swords, real ones. But when Wanda came to babysit you sshe scolded him. So he left to go buy you toy ones. You just giggle and swing it around. Your father staring at you proudly as you fell asleep in your crib, hugging the swords.

Nick Fury:

You somehow always stole his eyepatch and played with it. He sighed, finally getting enough. He bought a new one for him and let you have the old one. You look at him with a bright smile. He just rubbed your back and said not to choke on the strings. You knick head so he said your a smart child.

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