When you get suspended

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You tend to get suspended for not focusing in class and making weird inventions or for correcting the teacher. Basically the school got enough of you and want a break from you. Tony wasn't mad, he was very proud. Pepper was less impressed by him not scolding you, but Tony just shrugged, not caring because he found this a good thing.


You got suspended for slapping someone. You heard some dumb student say Steve Rogers and Captain America are not the same person, so you slapped the student. Your excuse for it was 'I hoped they would get some sense after the slap.' Steve wasn't so happy when he heard it, scolding you about how you can't just slap someone when they're saying dumb things. He was quite impressed with how powerful your slap was though, because the student had a bright red mark on their face.


You got suspended for sleeping in weird places like trees, showers, in a bird nest even, and so on. They got enough of your laziness and sent you home. Clint laughed out now you just need a bow and you are totally like him. Laura was less happy though, so Clint was quick to scold you. When she left, he gave you a wink as if to say he isn't actually mad before he also left.


You got suspended for starting a fight. When Natasha asked why you fought, you told her the kid was claiming you're not her real daughter/son and she doesn't love you. Natasha felt a strong need to go beat that child up herself, but she chose to act like an adult and scold you, telling you you shouldn't fight just because someone says stuff like that but instead come to her and she will deal with it. At the end of the talk, she taught you how to punch someone without breaking your knuckles.


You got suspended for making a fire. You nervously explained to him you accidentally mixed two wrong things. He assured you it's okay and it was an accident so you couldn't do anything about it. He taught you how to mix the two correct ingredients and prevent an explosion from happen. 


You went to Earth for school, but were quick to be kicked out, the teacher claiming you need to go back to kindergarten because you didn't know most of the human things. Thor huffed and said Asgardian school is better anyway before he took you back to Asgard to go to school.

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