Three: I'm done with park jimin.

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Jimin POV
The next morning, Class is about to start and i rush to
school because my parents will cut my credit card if I don't.'

URGHHHH', I can't believe I'm rushing to school; I hate the school I attend. I walk into class and there is that girl. She stares at me
and smiles.

'why the hell is she smiling at me?, I think to myself.

I don't mind right nowbecause after class is over she is going to get it.

I walk up to my seat. I have no friends. I'm solo now but I really miss my boys and no one can fill that gap up
except for them so I do have any friends. Its not that I need them anyways.

~Skip to LUNCH

It is now lunch timeand I'm waiting for her in the lunch
room. I'm sitting in a random table and there she comes. I mentally smirk and
put my right leg out in front on her and she trips over it and falls down on her knees trying to use her hands to support her. The food she was carrying falls all over on top of her. I see that I've managed to make her extremely mad.

"Watch where yourgoing next time Silly
Sally,"I say.

She raises her head up and glares at me, looking like she wants to attack me.

"Oh there you go, become all angry and stay like that!"I said and pushed her
forehead. "I can't bear see U smile, how dare you smile
at me!?!"

Everyone is staring at us right now, she is probably so embarrassed right now. I stand up from where I was
sitting and leave the lunch hall. I didn't go there to eat I only went there to teach,
that girl whose name I still don't know a lesson. What
I did today should teach her a lesson she'll remember for a long time.

Your POV
I see Jimin walk in to the class as I'm already seated, I can't help but smile to him
because I was still really happy that Jimin replied and opened up about himself to me.The words he wrote to me kept ringing
in my head. He just looks back to me with an angry look settles on his face.
It's like he became mad at me for smil- ing at him, the class was starting so I
discard the thought.

~Skip to LUNCH

It's lunch time now and I am so hungry. I walk up to
the lunch hall and
bought whatever I liked in whatever was available to

Today surprisingly, is a good day for me. First Jimin
replied to me and secondly, he hasn't bullied me all day.

Just as I am walking by I find myself trip osomething and then I hear these

"Watch where your going next time silly Sally,"I hear a voice say.

I look up to see it's

'I guess I spoke too soon'

I am so mad right now, and
become even more madder when the food I was holding spills all over me.
I felt like punching him but my hands won't move from their place.

'I knew it was too good to last, i thought to myself.
I am so mad at my- self because I can't stand up for myself.

"Oh there you go,become all angry and stay like that!" he says and pushes my forehead."I can't bear see you smile, how dare you smile at me!?!". Leaving
me after he said all those hurtful words.

I just can't believe this guy, he is not the Jimin I know.
Everyone is staring at me, it's so embarrassing and
all Jimin's fault.

I quickly stand up and
run out of there.I'm in the washroom right now trying to wash my shirt be- cause it is covered in food. I wish I had brought and extra
shirt. My shirt is so wet and the water is literally drizzling with water, just then
I see Jimin walk in. Shit......

My Crush/ My Bully (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now