The Proposal.

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So fab.

Read away.


*6 months later*

*Isabella's POV*

I was downstairs watching tv and texting Selena when I heard footsteps, and a few seconds later Demi was stood at the door. 

"Morning, you slept in a while, it's 1:30" I said to her.

"I know. I was just really tired" she replied and came and sat next to me. "So, any plans for today?" she asked as she kissed me on the cheek.

"Meh, I told Selena I'd go round hers to help her move her furniture into her new house and that. But, that's pretty much it. Do you wanna come and help us?"

"Yeah, might as well, seen as I've got nothing else to do with my life"

"Haha, do you want a drink?"

"Yeah please. Tea"

"Alrighty then" I said and I walked into the kitchen and turned the kettle on. "I'm going round Selena's about 2:30, so you better get ready soon"

"Yes mother" she said sarcastically. 

"Shush you" I walked back into the living room with Demi's tea. "Here you go"


"I'm gonna go and get ready now"

When I was upstairs and went into the bathroom and took my pajama's off so I could take a shower. Once I got out the shower, I walked back into my room and picked out some clothes to wear. I chose a black skater skirt, a light pink floral crop top and my black Vans. Then, I did my makeup lightly applying a bit of foundation, blusher, a couple coats of mascara and a a bit of lipgloss. I then went on to straightening my hair and tying it up into a high ponytail. 

I went downstairs to see if Demi was ready to go. "You ready to go?"

"Yeah, lemme just get my shoes"She was wearing some denim shorts, a red, loose-fitted, crop top and some red Converse. She'd curled her hair and clipped back her fringe. 

"You look beautiful" I said to her. 

"Thanks" she smiled. "Same to you"

"Thanks, lets-a-go."

 It didn't take long until we got to Selena's, and Demi pulled up on the side of the road. We got out the car and walked up the drive. I was about to knock on the door when Selena opened the door with a massive smile on her face. "HEY" she said. "Come in, lets start moving stuff in"

"Well you seem a bit eager" I said to her. 

"I know. I'm really excited about my new house and not living with my stupid parents"

"Yeah I figured, you always said you couldn't wait to move out someday and call your own shots"

"Taylor Swift much" Demi laughed.

 "Do you guys want a drink?" Selena asked.

"Yeah" we both replied.

*2 hours later*

We'd just finished moving everything in and me and Demi were arguing over what we were having for tea. 

"Subway" I said.

"KFC" she argued back.





Selena butted in, "Why don't you have McDonalds?"

"Ohkayden" me and Demi replied. 

"Haha, alright bye"

"Bye, I'll text you later maybe"

We got in the car and Demi said to me, "I've got a surprise for you later"

"Tell me?"

"No, because then it won't be a surprise"

"You know I hate surprises"

"Yes, but this is a good surprise"

"Ugh, fine"

"Now, we're getting drive through, then we're going home so I can prepare the adventure surprise"

We got home after going to McDonalds and Demi ran upstairs and a couple of minutes later came down with a little bag. "What's in the bag?" I asked. 

"You'll find out" she giggled. 

"Oh great, another surprise. How many surprises is there gonna be?"

"One. One very big surprise. Now come one" she grabbed my hand and dragged me out the house and led me towards the car. She opened the door for me, "Get in"

"Fine. But this better not take long because I have important duties to attend."


"The box set of Friends"

"Whatever" she laughed. 

Demi started the car and drove down the road. We were driving for about 15 minutes when Demi pulled up into a field. "Erm, why are we here?" I asked.

"You'll find out" she got out the car and came round to my side and opened the door. "Now" she held my hand. "Follow me" we were walking until we were about in the middle of the field. "Wait here a sec"

"Okay, don't take forever"

She came back with a blindfold. "Put this on" 

"I don't wanna"

"Just put it on"

"Fine!" I groaned and put the blindfold on. A couple of minutes later, Demi said, "Right, now take the blindfold off" I removed the blindfold from over my eyes and saw Demi on one knee in front of me. 

"Isabella, will you marry me?"

"Are you kidding me? OF COURSE I WILL" Demi stood up and hugged me tightly. "I love you, Demi"

"I love you too"


Sorry this chapter wasn't the best but... :/

The last chapter will be up in the next couple of weeks, because I need it to be as fabulous as possible. 

Twitter: siobhan.newbatt

Instagram: To_Sassy_4_U

Stay Sassy.

~Siobhan xo

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