There Was Nothing I Could Do.

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This chapter is dedicated to my friend Lydia because she always want me to update but I never do. They were gonna meet someone called Lydia in this chapter but I forgot to put it in. So they're gonna meet Lydia in the next chapter.

Read away.


*Isabella's POV*

"You've got me" Demi said to me and she hugged me so tightly I could hardly breath. I didn't stop her though. It felt nice to know that I had somebody who actually cared about me. She continued to talk, "Now, I don't ever want you to feel like you don't belong here and that nobody cares about, because people do care about you. You may not think that, but they do. Even if there was nobody out there that cared about you, I'm here. I care about you so much more than you will ever know. I love you Isabella."

"I love you too" I said as we pulled away from the hug.

"Right, now here's the plan. We're going back to yours so you can change, then we're going to get ice-cream and then I'm taking you shopping."

"Thanks, but why are you taking me shopping?"

"To buy you some new clothes! DUH!!"

"Why? I don't need new clothes"

"Yeah but, you can never have too many clothes"

"Fine" I laughed and we started walking back up the street towards my house.

Once we were back at my house the door was locked. "The doors fucking locked" I sighed.

"Don't you have your key?"

"No. Lemme see if the spare key's there" I checked where we usually keep it. "Not there! How the fuck are we suppose to get in the fucking house if the fucking door is locked and the fucking spare key isn't there"

"Alright, don't worry. We'll just go to Selena's house and see if she's in, yeah?"

"Fine but, I wanna know what's happening here because mum was collapsed on the floor when we left and I didn't lock the door. What if someone got in and like murdered her or something"

"I'm sure your mum's fine but I'm not promising anything"


"I'm just saying that something could've happened, but most likely hasn't. I just don't want you worrying about her."

We turned around and started walking to Selena's. It was only a 15 minute walk but it seemed to be going on forever.

I was staring at the ground when I heard familiar voices. I looked up and realised who it was. "Demi look" I said nudging her arm.


"There" I nodded in the direction I was looking. "Look who it is. My fucking mum"

"Oh yeah. Why do you sound so mad? At least she's ok"

"Yeah, but she's at the pub. AGAIN! To make it worse, she's with a guy. That's never good."

"Why not?"

"Because she'll probably end up bringing him home, then he'll be all she thinks about and they'll probably end up making a baby without even knowing."

"Oh. Well why don't you talk to her?"

"I fucking will" and we crossed the road. "Hey mum"

"Oh hi honey, are you ok? What are you doing here?"

"Well first off I'm not ok and secondly, I'm here because we're on our way to Selena's because we couldn't get into the house because SOMEBODY locked the door and moved the spare key"

"Oh sorry honey, I thought you'd gone out and wouldn't be back for a while" I glared at her. "You don't need to worry about me, I've only had 3 drinks. Not drunk at all"

"Mum, stop calling me honey and I can tell you're drunk. Anyway, who is this guy?" I said pointing towards the guy she had her arm around.

"Oh just someone I met in the pub earlier. WE MET AGAIN" she laughed.

"Well you better not bring him home. In fact I'm taking you home right now"

"YOU CAN'T" she yelled and I grabbed her arm. Pretty much the whole street was staring at us now. "LET GO OF ME, YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO"

"FINE!" I yelled back letting go of her arm. "JUST GIVE ME THE HOUSE KEY" she handed me the key. "I WISH YOU WEREN'T MY MOTHER AND I HATE YOU SO MUCH" I screamed at her and stormed off. I ran all the way back home. I didn't want to see anyone, I just wanted to hide in my room and not come out. I was just about to unlock the door when, "ISABELLA! ISABELLA WAIT" I turned around and saw Demi running up the street.

"Isabella, what was that all about? You're never like this."

"I just don't wanna talk about it" I said and stepped into my house. I was about to close the door when Demi stopped me.

"Tell me what's wrong"

"I don't feel like talking now. I just wanna be alone, I need time to think"

"About what?"

"Life. I'll text you later maybe"

"Ok" Demi replied and I closed the door, locked it and ran upstairs towards the bathroom.

Once I was in the bathroom, I thought. I thought about my life. Then I walked over to the shower and picked up my razor. I took the blade out and placed the cold metal on my arm. Tears were rushing down my cheeks, blood pouring out my arm.

There was nothing I could do.


Woo, new chapter.

^that sounded pretty sarcastic...

1.6K reads yayayayayayayay

I forgot to mention that you should go and read Lydia's book. It's called "Escape From The Internet" and her username is "foodmixer"

But yeah, that's pretty much it.

Twitter: siobhan.newbatt

Instagram: To_Sassy_4_U

Stay Sassy.

~Siobhan xo

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