The Best Day.

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^Bit over exagerated.

Read away.


*2 months later*

*Isabella's POV*

I've been living with Demi for 2 weeks now and it's going pretty well. We almost burnt the house down the other day, but ya know. YOLO!!! (I never say that :L, I personally think it's bullshxt)

"Hurry up, Isabella, I'm gonna be late" Demi shouted to me from downstairs.

"Yes, yes, just gimme a minute to go piss" Demi was going to her mums today and she was dropping me off at Selena's on the way. "I'm coming!!" I yelled to her as I picked up my bag.


"Just have a little patience"

"You idiot" she laughed.

When we arrived at Selena's, Demi pulled up at the side of the road and said, "See you later, love you"

"Love you too" I said as I closed the car door. I walked up the concrete path towards the front door and rang the doorbell. A few seconds later Selena opened the door. She was wearing white skinny jeans, a red belly top and black Vans. "You're the only person I know that can pull of white skinny jeans"

"Haha, come in" she said and I stepped inside. "Do you want a drink?"

"Yeah, what you got?"



"Milkshake it is then" she gave me a weird look and I laughed. I walked into the living room, put my bag down and sat on the sofa. A couple of minutes later Selena walked in with 2 glasses of milkshake. "Here you go" she said, and placed the glasses on the table. "Do you wanna watch tv?"

"Yeah. Can we watch Friends?"



"Fine, lemme go and get the DVD's"


I heard footsteps and turned around expecting to see Selena, but instead I saw her mum.

"Hi Isabella, how are you?" she asked.

"I'm good thanks, you?"

"I'm great" she replied with a smile. "Selena, I'm going to work now, see you later" she shouted.

"Bye" I heard Selena shout back. Then, Selena came down with the boxset of Friends. "Which episode do you wanna watch?"

"Monica and Chandlers wedding. But I warn you now, I'll cry"

"You always cry"

"No I don't"

"Yes you do"

"No I don't! Now shut the fuck up and turn the tv on"

"Haha, fine!"

We watched 6 episodes when I said, "Can we watch something else now?"


We both turned to each other and said, "ADVENTURE TIME!!!"

A couple of hours later, Demi rang me and said she was on her way to pick me up. And about 10 minutes later the doorbell rang and Demi was stood outside waiting for me. "Hey" she said to Selena.

"Hey" Selena replied. "Well, I'll see you guys some other time"

"Yeah, bye-di-bye" I said and we walked up the driveway towards Demi's car.

"So what do you wanna do later?" Demi asked me.

"I dunno, I was planning on just staying in and watching Doctor Who. Cause my life's just that interesting."

"Mmm k, cause I gotta go shopping. For like food and shit"

"Bitches always be shopping for shit"

"You calling me a bitch?"

"Yep. Beautiful, Intelligent, Talented, Cute, Hungry, Extraordinary and Superfab."

"Aww, that's so cheesy, yet so cute. I love you, Isabella"

"I love you too, Demi"

It wasn't long before we got home. I got out the car and walked towards the door. I unlocked it and stepped inside. When I was inside, I walked upstairs, put my phone on charged, changed into some sweatpants and a vest and went downstairs to get a snack. I was looking round the kitchen for about 10 minutes to find something to eat. "Demi, we have nothing good to eat"

"That's kinda why I need to go shopping"

"Ugh, well what am I suppose to eat?"

"Your mum"

I gave her a death look and said, "That wasn't funny"

"Sorry, and why don't you just make a sandwich or some toast or summit?"

I walked over to the cupboard and got out the bread, "Because look, this bread is turning fucking green!" I grounded.

"Well, I think there's some Poptarts in the cupboard that are edible"

"Lemme check" I went to check. "Thank god, something I can eat"

"Lul, I'm going shopping, see you later"


I got my food, a can of Pepsi and went to turn the tv on.

*3 hours later*

Demi still wasn't back from shopping yet, but I decided to got to bed because I was shattered. I went upstairs and got into bed. Before I went to sleep I text Selena saying,

I had the best day with you today.


Sorry that this chapter was crappy, but I had no idea what to write :L

If you know where the last line of this chapter is from then, OMFG ILYSM!!

This fanfiction is coming to an end ;( nobody probably cares, but, oh well.

Also, I have 2 weeks off school, so the last few chapters might be better than the ones before...

Twitter: siobhan.newbatt

Instagram: To_Sassy_4_U

Stay Sassy.

~Siobhan xo

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