You Thinking What I'm Thinking?

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Ermergerd 561 reads! Like srsly wow.

Read away.


*Isabella's POV*

I woke up at 11:30am. I was really excited that Demi was coming round. She was coming round about 1:30, which means I have 2 hours to make myself look presentable. I rolled out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. Once I was in there I took of my clothes and got into the shower.

Once I was out the shower I walked back into my bedroom to get dressed. I searched my closet for something to wear. I picked out a pair of high-waisted denim shorts and my Paramore shirt. After I got dressed I went into the bathroom to put on some make up. I put on a bit of blusher, mascara and a coat of pink lipgloss. (<<fabulous much)

After I did my make up, I dried my hair and pulled it into a high messy bun. I walked back into my bedroom to check the time. 1:00.

I decided to go downstairs and make some breakfast. I was sat on the sofa watching Doctor Who and eating my breakfast.

This is literally the longest 30 minutes of my life.

*Demi's POV*

I woke up at 11:00am and I was really excited because I was spending the day at Isabella's. I had 2 and a half hours to get ready. I jumped out of bed and walked towards the bathroom to take a shower.

After I got out the shower I walked back into my bedroom and picked out some clothes to wear. I chose some denim shorts and a grey belly top that said "NYC" on it. I did my make up next, applying some foundation, mascara, a bit of eyeliner and some lipgloss. Then I dried my hair and curled it.

I looked at my phone. 1:00. Half an hour left.

I decided to go downstairs for some breakfast and then sat on the sofa eating whilst watching Friends.

This is literally the longest 30 minutes of my life.

*25 minutes later*

1:25 better leave so I get to Isabella's in time. I took one last look in the mirror and fixed my hair before picking up my car keys and heading out the door.

Once I arrived at Isabella's, I got out my car and walked up the driveway towards the front door. I took a deep breath, prepared myself and rang the doorbell.

*Isabella's POV*

After, what felt like forever, the door bell rang. I looked in the mirror to check how I looked and opened the door. There stood Demi looking beautiful as ever.

"Come in" I said.

"Thanks, how are you"

"I'm good thanks, you?

"Great" She replied as we sat on the sofa. "So, been up to much?"

"Not really just YouTube, Tumblr, Instagram and Twitter. Ya know, the usually"

"Nice" Demi was staring right into my eyes. "You have really pretty eyes you know"

"Thanks" I said, and I leaned forward and gently kissed her lips. She pulled me on top of her, not breaking the kiss. Demi stood up and I wrapped my legs around her waist and she headed up the stairs.

When we were upstairs she kicked open my bedroom door, walked in and closed it with her foot. She laid me down on the bed and climbed on top of me and removed my shirt, then slowly unbuttoned my shorts and slid them off. I pulled off her shirt over her head, only breaking our kiss for a second. Then I took of her shorts as well so we were just in our underwear.

I pulled away, "You thinking what I'm thinking?" I said to her.

"You bet" She replied and we climbed under the bed sheets.


I updated!! I hope you liked the chapter.

I'm really excited cause I'm meeting my friends who I haven't seen in ages tomorrow! So excite.

That's all I really have to say.

Stay Sassy.

Siobhan xo

Who Would've Known? (Demi Lovato Fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ