I Can't Promise Anything.

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Normally I would update later on in the day but, I had this chapter written and I'll probably forget later cause I'm gonna watch Friends.

This is the chapter where they're gonna meet Lydia (Lydz).

Read away.


*Isabella's POV*

It's been a week since I first self harmed and I can't stop myself. It's like, whenever the blade goes across my skin, I get this amazing feeling. Obviously, it's got worse.

I haven't left the house all week. I've only been out of my room to pee and bring a bunch of food upstairs, so I don't have to keep going downstairs.

I haven't texted anyone. Even Demi. I've had a bunch of texts off people asking if I'm ok. I ignored them all, but it's nice to know people actually care about me.

*Demi's POV*

It's been a week since I last saw Isabella. I really hope she's ok. She hasn't left the house for a week.

She never texted me once. I've been texting her all week to see if she's ok. She just ignored them all. I met up with everyone else about twice this week and they all texted her to ask if she was ok.

Me and Selena spent a day together to try and get our minds off it. It didn't really work, the whole day was just sorta depressing.

I decided that I was gonna go round Isabella's today. I was gonna stand outside her bedroom door until she let me in.

I was walking down the street, on my way to Costa. I thought that I might buy Isabella her favourite hot chocolate ever. As I rushed into Costa I knocked this girls drink out of her hands and onto the floor.

"I'm so sorry. Here, let me buy you another one. Oh gosh, I'm so clumsy"

As the girl looked up there was a twinkle in her eye. "You're Demi freaking Lovato!! Oh my god, I'm such a huge fan of yours!" she hugged me tightly.

"Oh thanks. But I really must buy you a new coffee, after all I did just knock yours all over the floor"

"No, it's fine honestly" she said as she loosened her grip.

"Please, let me otherwise I'll feel really bad"

"Are you sure"


"Go on then" she replied and we walked into the cafe.

I bought her her coffee, me a tea and Isabella's hot chocolate. We headed for the door and I said, "What's your name then?" She turned her head and replied, "Lydia. But people call me Lydz"

"Well then, Lydz" I said. "It was nice meeting you. Can I get your number and we can meet up again sometime?"

"Oh my god yes!!" I gave her my phone to put her number in. "There you go" she said and handed my phone back. "It was nice meeting you"

"You too, bye" then we walked off in opposite directions.

I got to Isabella's and her mums car wasn't on the drive. Thank god. It would be so awkward if she was there.

I walked up the drive, towards the front door, and checked to see if they'd put the spare key back. Luckily, they had so I picked it up and unlocked the door. The house was completely dead. I headed towards Isabella's room.

*knock knock*

I knocked on the door a few times and there was still no answer.

"Izzy, please I know you're in there, people are asking where you've been. They say have courage and I'm trying to, I'm right out here for you, just let me in. We only have each other, it's just you and me what are we gonna do? Do you wanna go to Subway?"

"I'd love to go to Subway" I looked up and Isabella was stood there.

"ISABELLA!!" I shouted and hugged her. "I've missed you so much. What happened last week?"

"I've missed you too and I just needed time to think about life and all that."

"You should've texted me, I would've come round to help you"

"Yes I know but, I just needed time alone"

"I understand, now do you wanna go to Subway?"

"I'd like that. But lemme change first"

"Alrighty then"

She changed into some black leggings, a red vest top and put on a red plaid shirt over that. Then she straightened her hair and left it down.

When we were in Subway Isabella turned and said to me, "Erm Demi, there's something I have to show you"

"What is it" she lifted her sleeves up and revealed scars all over her arms. "Oh my god! Isabella, why did you do this?"

"I don't know, it seemed like the only way I could express myself. I'm breaking inside, Demi, nobody around me is aware but I'm breaking. I was just matching the outside with the inside."

"Isabella, promise me you won't do this anymore"

"I really want to, but"

I can't promise anything.


New chapter! [insert cheers here]

Sorry the last two chapters have been kinda depressing. I'm gonna try and make the next one not so depressing. I'm updating on Wednesday this week as well, so yeah.

Twitter: siobhan.newbatt

Instagram: To_Sassy_4_U

Stay Sassy.

~Siobhan xo

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