How Is This Real?

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Demi's POV

We climbed out of the bed sheets and I turned to Isabella and said, "Well that was nice, wasn't it?"

"You bet" She replied. "What do you wanna do now?"

"Wanna go downstairs and watch tv?"

"Yeah sure, lemme get dressed first though"

"Me too"

Once we were dressed we walked downstairs and turned the tv on.

"What do you wanna watch?" Isabella asked me.

"Erm" we looked at each other and said at the same time, "ADVENTURE TIME"

Whilst we were watching Adventure Time the doorbell went. Isabella stood up and opened the front door. "Hey" She said as she opened the door. "Hey, can I come in? I need to talk to you" I heard someone ask. Sounded like Selena. "Erm, sure"

"Hey" I said as they walked into the room. "Hey" Selena replied.

"What do you need to talk to us about?" Isabella asked Selena.

"I'd like to say sorry. Sorry for telling your mum about you guys. But I thought you'd been keeping it from her for a while. And the other day I actually came round to see you. To see if you'd told her already or when you were gonna tell her. When I got here your mum told me you weren't her, so I just told her everything. I completely understand if you guys are mad at me. It was wrong of me to tell her, I should've let you tell her. I just wanted to let you know that I'm so so so so so sorry. I really hope you guys aren't mad"

"Don't worry, we're not mad" Isabella said. "Right, Demi?"

"Left, we're not mad"

"But it would've been nice to tell us first"

Selena nodded, "I know, I know what I did was wrong and I'm super sorry. I really hope you guys can forgive me"

"Of course we forgive" I said. "So, do you wanna stay and watch Adventure Time with us?"

"I'd love to but I have to go and meet my mum"

"Ok, see you some other time then"

"Yeah, bye" she said and she left.

We just spent the rest of the day on Tumblr, eating and watching Adventure Time. (That's literally my life in a sentence -_-)

*later on that day*

"Well I should probably go home now" I said as I stood up.

"Ok, text you later maybe."

"Ok" I said and kissed Isabella on the cheek.

*Isabella's POV*

Once Demi had gone I just spent my night watching YouTube, mostly Dan and Phil, Tyler Oakley and Emma Blackery. At around 12:30 I decided to go to sleep. I spent the next half an hour thinking about my life. I was dating Demi Lovato. The Demi Lovato.

How is this real?


Woo new chapter! You happy? No? Ok...

Well yeah, this would've been uploaded earlier but my iPad fucked up and the chapter got deleted and I was practically finished ;(

Oh well, it's here now.

Stay Sassy.

Siobhan xo

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