Do We Tell Her?

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*saturday morning*

Selena's POV

We all woke up around the same time. But Demi and Isabella were acting really weird.

"Why are you guys acting weird?" I asked while we were eating breakfast.

"What do you mean?" Isabella replied.

"You've been acting really weird ever since you woke up this morning"

"Have we?" Demi said.


"Sorry about that" Isabella said.

"Yeah, we'll try and stop being weird" Demi replied after.

"Ok then" I said awkwardly.

As we finished our breakfast we talked about what we were going to do today. Town, McDonalds, then come home and watch TV.

Isabella's POV

Does Selena know about the kiss? It seemed like she was onto us. What if she heard us leave the room and was secretly watching us?

"I'm going to work girls" Mum said as she kissed me on the cheek. "You know my number if you need me, don't burn the house down"

"Haha, we won't" I replied.

"You guys wanna go get ready now?"

"Sure" They both replied.

We each showered, Selena watched TV while me and Demi showered. We have 2 showers, we didn't shower together.

Once we were all ready we got our bags ready and left the house.

*in town*

We didn't really do much in town, we met up with Brandon and Austin in McDonalds. Then the 5 of us went back to my house to watch 'Friends', it's seriously the best tv show ever.

We'd watched about 3 episodes when Demi went upstairs to the bathroom. About 2 minutes after she had gone she sent me a text saying, 'Come upstairs ;)'. Of course I knew what she meant, so I told the others I was going to call my mum and ask when she'd be home.

Once I was upstairs I entered my room and saw Demi sat on my bed. I walked over to her and sat down. She moved closer until she was practically sitting on me. I felt a bit awkward so I turned my head and stared at the floor, but out of the corner of my eye I could see Demi's head getting nearer to mine. I felt her soft hands on my chin, slowly moving my head around so I was facing her. Our eyes met, she had the most beautiful brown eyes ever! Our heads leaned towards each other's as our lips met and we had a long intense kiss.

"Are you guys ok up there?" Selena shouted.

We quickly pulled away from each other.

"Yeah we're fine, my mum said she's coming home in about 2 hours" I replied.

"Alrighty then"

Me and Demi walked downstairs and found that they were on a different episode.

"Does anyone want a snack?" I said as I walked to the kitchen and they all immediately stood up and followed me. We all had an appetite, to be honest.

*one hour later*

"I should probably get home" Brandon said as he stood up.

"Yeah me too" Austin said.

"Ok see you guys" We said as they left the house.

*later on that evening*

"I'm home" I heard my mum shout.

"Hey" I replied.

"Anyone else here?"

"Yeah, Selena and Demi. Can Selena sleep again tonight?"

"Yeah sure, what about Demi?"

"She's gotta go home soon"

I was really sad that Demi couldn't sleep round tonight, but oh well at least we're all hanging out again tomorrow.

Demi's POV

"I should probably go home" I said to Isabella and Selena.

"Ok text me in the morning when you're coming round" Selena replied.

"Yeah, cya" Isabella said.

My mum was waiting outside in the car for me and I jumped in. The whole car ride home all I could think about was Isabella and how I wish I could just stay at hers. I would give anything to kiss her right now, but then I realised. What about Selena?

Do we tell her?

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