I Do Love You.

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Demi's POV

"Are we ready for that?" Isabella asked me.

"I think we are, we've been dating for about 3 months and I know that isn't really long but I love you Isabella. I truly love you and I think that moving in together would be the best thing ever. I'd wake up every morning and see your beautiful face" She blushed a bit. "But, it's up to you. Do you wanna move in with me?"

"Are you kidding me. I'd love to move in with you. I love you, Demi" She said and hugged me tightly.

"I love you too" I replied and pulled out of the hug. "Now, it's only 3 so do you wanna meet up with someone?"

"Yeah, sure, why not. Who we gonna meet up with?"

"Well the other day I met this really awesome girl, called Lydia, at Costa and I got her number so do you want me to ring her and see if she wants to hang out with us?"

"Yeah, sure, why not"

"Is that all you can say?" I laughed and dialled Lydia's number.

"Yeah, sure, why not" she giggled.

"Hey" I said when Lydia picked up. "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me and my friend?"


"Haha okay, when and where?"

"Erm, in half an hour at Costa?"

"Yeah okay, I'll try not to spill your coffee again"

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH" god, she was a bit of a giggler. "I won't buy coffee this time, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH" this girl needed to take a chill pill.

"K den, see you soon" I said and hung up. "Well she was a bit fucking crazy"

"What do you mean?"

"She had this major laughing fit, I'm not even kidding when I say, I'm kinda scared"

"Haha, are we meeting her then?

"Yeah, in half an hour at Costa"

"Ok, well do you wanna leave now and walk like really slowly"

"Walk really slowly? What even"

"Like walk slow"

"Erm k den"

We walked down the road like fucking snails. "I can't walk like this" I turned and said to Isabella.

"What do you mean?"


"Deal with it"

"Well fuck you too"

We arrived at Costa at 3:25 and Lydz was already sat down waiting for us. "Hey" I said as we walked over to her. "Lydz this is Isabella, my friend. Well, girlfriend. Isabella this is Lydz, I spilled her coffee in here"

"You clumsy idiot" Isabella laughed. "Hi Lydz"

"Hi. So you two are like. Dating?"

"Yeah pretty much"

"Ok, well, congrats?"

*later on that day*

*Isabella's POV*

"Well it's 6:00, do you wanna start walking home now?" I said to Isabella.

"Yeah" she replied as she stood up. "It was nice seeing you again" she said to Lydz.

"Yeah, you too. It was nice meeting you, Isabella"

"Same to you" I said as we walked out the door. "So what do you wanna do? Do you wanna sleep round mine tonight?"

"Yeah sure, we need to go back to mine first though so I can get my stuff"


We were at Demi's and she was getting all her stuff ready and I said to her, "so what do you wanna do tonight?"

"I don't know, probably what we do every night. YouTube, Adventure Time, Friends, food and realising how many friends we don't have"

"Sounds like a plan" I laughed.

"And I was thinking that tomorrow we could start packing your stuff and that?"

"For moving into your house?"

"No, for moving into Narnia" I said sarcastically.

"Haha, well I'd love to live in Narnia, with my pet unicorn and Janet Potato"

"You're so weird"

"I may be weird, but you know you love me"

"Yes I do."

I do love you.


I decided to update early cause tomorrow I'm going out with my family. So fucking excited for that............:/

But yeah, make sure to go and read Lydz's book called "Escape From The Internet". Her username is "foodmixer".

Twitter: siobhan.newbatt

Instagram: To_Sassy_4_U <--please follow me on Insta cause I nearly have 500 followers :)

Stay Sassy.

~Siobhan xo

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