Do You Understand?

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Isabella's POV

My alarm went off at 10:30 to the amazing song 'Is This The Way To Amarillo' (don't judge, it's a good song).

"RISE AND SHINE MOTHERFUCKERS" I said as I sat up in bed. I was in a really good mood today and I don't even know why.

"WATTUP DANIEL HOWELL REFERENCE" Demi said as she jumped out of bed. She was obviously in a good mood as well.

"I AM STARVING, LETS GET FOOD" Selena yelled. She was clearly in a good mood as well.

So we're all in good moods. That makes the day even better.

We went downstairs to find my mum picking her bag up.

"I'm going to work, I'll see you later"

"Bye mum"

We walked into the kitchen.

"What do you guys want for breakfast then?" I asked them.

"PANCAKES' They both replied in sync.

*15 minutes later*

We were sat eating our pancakes and watching the music channel when my phone went off. I walked over to answer it.

"Hello. Oh hey. Yeah, I haven't seen you in aaaaages. Going to town with my friends. Yeah, I've sorta overcome the unsocialness. OMG yes, I would love that. Yay. Ok so 12 o'clock in Subway. Ok. I can't wait to see you, I've missed you so much. Aww, ok see you later"

"Who was that?" Selena asked.

"My best friend who moved away a couple of years ago, she's in town so she's meeting us today as well" I replied.

"What's she like?"

"She's great, she's called Charlotte and I miss her so so so so much. She's very small and she's beautiful"

"She sounds nice"

"She is" I say as I carry our plates out to the kitchen. "Let's go get dressed shall we?"

"Yeah" Selena and Demi said.

I put on my black skinny jeans and my bright pink top that said 'Swag' and my black and pink varsity jacket. I decided to put my hair in a side braid cause I'm fab like that. Then I put on my pink hi-tops. Demi wore a pair of red leggings and a black top with red polka dots with a red jacket. She curled her hair and put on red converse. Selena put on some black skinny jeans with a read vest under a read plaid shirt. She straightened her hair and tied it up and then put on her black flats.


"You guys wanna start walking to town?" Demi asked.

"Yeah" I replied "Lemme just get my door key"

"You ready Selena?"

"Yeah, lemme just get my phone"

"Where is it?"

"Over here, I put it on charge earlier"

"I've got my key, you ready to go?" I called from downstairs.

"Yeah, we're coming" Demi answered.

*in town at 2:30*

"I gotta go now" Charlotte said as she stood up

"Ok, well I really enjoyed seeing you. When will you next be in town?" I said to her.

"I don't know, I'll keep in touch though. We can Skype or FaceTime or whatever"

"Yeah ok" I said as we hugged.

"Bye everyone" She said as she walked away.

"Bye" We all said back.

Then she was gone...

I sat back down. We were all sat in Starbucks now, we met Brandon and Mary in there.

"Can me and Isabella tell you guys something?" Demi said as she held my hand.

"Yeah of course you can"

"Me and Isabella are a couple"

"Seriously" Someone said, I couldn't tell who because I was looking at the floor.


"Dayum" Brandon said.

"What?" I said to him.

"I wanted to date Demi"

Mary turned around and said, "EXCUSE ME"

"I mean, what..."

"Ugh" Mary said and then she walked off.

"Oh well, she'll get over herself. I'm the only person who actually talks to her."

"Well" Demi continued, "Can we ask you guys a question?"

Do you understand?

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