Chapter 43

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The show went surprisingly smooth. Every now and then, I had a couple bumps, but I mentally cringed at them. I really wanted the show to go perfect to show fans that I am not just Lin's daughter, not just Anthony's girlfriend, not just the cast's friend. I am Emma Miranda, actor, singer and dancer.

After it, I was so exhausted that the minute we got home, I crashed.

The next morning, I woke up to the smell of pancakes and I bolted for the kitchen and ate a couple of pancakes.

" Good morning to you too, " Says Lin, laughing.

" How was the show last night?" Asks Vanessa.

" Oh my gosh!! It was so much fun! I can't believe I will do that more than once though, " I say, smiling wide.

"Good, you're doing Eliza today again and then, tomorrow, it's a 2 show day, where you are Angelica, okay" Says Lin. I nod. I had already memorized my schedule.

"Okay, " I say, as I finish my pancakes.

Ding! I get a text. It's from Anthony. I wonder what it was for.

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