Chapter 32

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That night, Lin and Vanessa wanted to talk to me, so I sat down at the dinner table, playing with Sebastian, waiting for them. 

" Okay, Emma. Me and Lin were talking and we were going to ask you-" Vanessa gets cut off by Lin. 

" Do you want to become a Miranda?" Lin says, bluntly. My eyes widen, as Vanessa mutters, I was going to say that. 

"Well, you didn't fast enough, " Lin says, sticking out his tongue. 

" I... Seriously?" I say, squealing. " Obviously. Of course. Yes!" 

" So... no" Lin teases, but I ignore him as I go to hug him and Vanessa. 

" We already emailed your social worker and told him that we were going to adopt you, " Says Lin. 

" You knew I would say yes!" I say, laughing. " I mean.. who could say no to that offer? Especially because you guys are awesome. "

" Thanks, " says Vanessa, laughing along with Lin and I.

 I squeal and say, " Hey, Sebs! I'm going to be your actual sister now" 

I frown, remembering Tom, but fix it and say, " I've never had a sibling before, "Lying to my new permanent parents. 

" Oh, " Says Vanessa, spotting my frown. I just smile.

" I am going to go to bed, " I say, standing and I sense Vanessa walking behind me. I sit down on my bed, knowing that I will have to explain why I frowned to Vanessa and, possibly, Lin.

" What's up?" Asks Vanessa, slowly closing the door behind her as she walks over to me and sits on the ground in front me. 

" I told you guys every bit of my history except for one bit. " I start by saying. Lin walks in and sits with Vanessa, holding a Baby monitor. 

" As you know, my mom died giving birth to me. However, she gave birth to another kid. " I say, taking a deep breath. 

" So, his name was Tom, " I say, smiling, remembering the memories. " He was so sweet, and kind and put me before anything else. "

" He was about 7 years older than me. " I continue, swallowing. 

" So, when I was 6 or so, my dad started drinking and would hurt us. Tom had had enough and he ran away. " I say, " Leaving me with my "father"

"All alone. He left me all alone with just a note of his. It said, one day I will come back for you, E" I say, tearing up. 

"But, he never did. I was being abused and he knew but never did anything. I'm sure he's dead by now anyways, " I say, wiping the tears away. I stand up, facing my back to them. 

Vanessa comes up behind me and hugs me from behind and says, " It's okay. You have a true family now. "

I smile and say, " I've never had that before, "

" Well, now you do, " Says Lin, putting his hand on my shoulder. Suddenly, wails are sounded on the baby monitor. 

I say, " Can I try?" Lin shakes his head yes. I walk to Sebastian's nursery and pick him up from his crib. I walk gently around the room while singing a spanish lullaby that Tom used to sing to me. It was called Duermete mi niño which means sleep, my child.

" Duérmete mi niño, duérmete mi amor

duérmete pedazo de mi corazón.

Este niño mío que nació de noche

quiere que lo lleve a pasear en coche.

Este niño mío que nació de día

quiere que lo lleve a la dulcería.

Duérmete mi niño, duérmete mi amor

duérmete pedazo de mi corazón."

 I sing to him as he gently falls back asleep. I place him back in his crib before turning my head to the door and seeing Vanessa and Lin, smiling and Lin's phone up, recording. I shake my head and walk by them. 

" Can I put that on Twitter?" Asks Lin, holding up his phone and adds, " Because it was really good and Sebs face isn't in it. "

"Sure" I say, turning in my to room and go to bed. I have a big day tomorrow, my first rehearsal for Hamilton. 

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