Chapter 8

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I get in the car and wave bye to Lin before turning to the girl and saying, " Hi, I'm Emma"

" I'm Vanessa, but I'm sure you know that already" She says, and I giggle.

" So, I'm sure Lin has told you but we are going to Sebastian's daycare to pick him up and then home and I'll show you around" Says Vanessa.

" yup. okay. I have a question." I ask.

" Yeah, ask away" She says, briefly putting her eyes on me before turning back to the road ahead.

" What is the difference between an attorney and a lawyer? Lin said you are an attorney but I thought they were the same thing" I ask

" Oh, ok. So a lawyer just means someone who is trained in law and an attorney is a lawyer who has passed the bar exam and can legally practice the law" she says.

" And, so, you are an attorney?" I say, questioning.

" Correct" She says.

We continue to talk and realize that we have a lot in common. We both like math and Grand Theft Auto. We were both born in summer. However, I was born in early June and her in mid August.  We are both Latino but born in America.

We pull up to Vanessa mothers house and I realize not only am I meeting Sebastian but Vanessa's mom too.  Thankfully, Vanessa went in without me. I didn't want people to know yet because if Lexi found out before I told her, she would kill me.

" Okay, so this is Sebastian" Says Vanessa, holding a little bundle of adorableness in her arms. I squeal. 

"He is so cuteeee. " I say. 

"Thanks. Do you want to hold him?" Asks Vanessa, holding him out to me. 

"What if I drop him? I have never held a baby before" I say. 

"Oh, then I'll teach you at home" Says Vanessa and I smile. 

We get in the car and drive to an apartment. It was really nice inside. A lot of pictures and decoration. " I like your house" I tell Vanessa. 

"Oh, thanks" She says, " Okay, so this room is yours. We can go to decorate it on Monday. I don't have work on that day. "

The room that was mine was pretty plain. White walls, a bed with a flower comforter and a dresser with nothing on it. " Oh, you don't have to spend money on me"

"No, sweetheart. We want to" says Vanessa. " Okay so you can unpack your 2 bags while I put Sebastian down for tonight and then maybe we can online shop for a while. "

"Okay, " I agree. She leaves to a room across the hall. I take out the 1 shirt and 2 shorts and 1 pair of shoes that I had packed away in my bag. I take out my phone charger and phone and see 3 missed calls from Lexi and 2 texts from her. I immediately feel bad because I completely neglected my BFF over these 2 days. I promise to text her the minute I wake up tomorrow. Then, I realize I haven't been on social media for a while so I do. I also read Lexi's texts. 

[ Next Chapter has those details]

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