Chapter 19

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" Have you seen this?" Vanessa says as I come out of my bedroom. She holds up her phone. On it is a magazine article about me and Anthony. 

"Are you dating?" she asks. 

" No, and even if we were, Vanessa, you would be among the first to know" I say, shoving the phone away from me. Then, I realize its Tuesday. 

"V, its Tuesday. When are we picking up Lexi?" I ask, suddenly perking up. 

"Well, look who's actually awake?" she grins. 

" When?" I ask, jumping up and down. 

" Whenever you finish your breakfast" says Lin, coming from behind me, holding Sebastian. I take Sebastian from him. Sebastian is 10 months and I figured out how to hold him. 

" Yay, Sebastian, sissy gets to see Lexi" I say, to the most adorable baby in my hands. 

Sebastian claps, too. But, he doesn't understand what is happening. I put Sebastian in his high chair and then sit down for breakfast and quickly eat. 

" Done" I say, as Dad finishes. So, the plan? We are going to go to Lexi's house, pick her up, go to the theater and since none of the cast will be there, we will give her the tour and one by one, as the cast comes in, she can gawk. 

We drive down the familiar road to her house and I go up to ring the doorbell. Literally one second later, the door opens and she jumps out. " Ahhhh, E!" she screams and hugs me

" Lex" I say, hugging her back. 

" I missed you. You better tell me about Anthony soon" she says, before she sees Lin and freezes. " DO you know who that is?"

" NO" I say sarcastically. " Mind telling me?'

" Oh, Lord. He is walking over here. " she mutters. 

" Hi, Lexi. I'm Lin" He says, holding out his hand. 

She stares at it for a second and then hugs him tightly. " I know"

" I get to meet the cast of Hamilton" she squeals. We get in the car and drive to the theater and the whole way, me and Lexi don't stop talking. 

" Okay, so these are the dressing rooms and this is the management office and thats the stage" I say in short. 

" Have you sang on the stage?" She says, eyes widening. 

" Hey, you told me that you would sing for me but you never did. " Lin realizes. 

" OML!!!!  Sing, girl! You have a good set of vocals. GO do it" Lexi shoves me on the stage. At least there is no one in the seats, except for Lin and Lexi. 

" Okay, I'll sing  Burn again" I say. 

"Again??" Lin questions. 

" I sang it for Ant already" I say, blushing, " Oh, shut up and let me sing. "

[ I already listed the lyrics so I'm going to skip that part. 

" That was amazing." Lin applauds and Lexi points behind me and gasps. Behind me was Anthony 

"I agree, Lin"  he says, hugging me from behind. 

" Thanks guys" I say, " Oh, Anthony, this is Lexi. Lexi, Anthony." I introduce them even though they need no introduction. 

" Oh, your the one who is trying to take my bestie" Anthony says. 

" Okay, first I had her first and I'm her bestie so go away and second, please you are NOT besties, you are a couple who don't know it yet" she says, smiling. 

" yup. A couple. A couple of besties. Two's company, three's a crowd." Anthony teases. I roll my eyes.

"Exactly so you can leave now" says Lexi, being a smart Alec. 

" Please, kid, don't even. She's in my hands now so too bad. " Anthony says, squeezing me tighter. 

Anthony POV

Emma's friend, Lexi, tries to take her away from me. No way! She is in my life now and she is not leaving. So, you could say that I might possibly have a crush on her and I don't want it to end. Emma pushes me off of her and says, " Why can't I have 2 besties?"

" Nope me, or him?" says Lexi.

Lexi doesn't realize that Daveed was here now, so I say, " Hey, Lexi, look it's Daveed" to get the attention off of us.

"Where?" she screams as she turns around and lets out a tiny mouse-like squeak when she sees him. 

" here!" He says, " What's up? Oh, hey are you Lexi?" All she does is smile. Finally, she was quiet. 

" Hey, guys. Why do we have to come in here?" says Phillipa and Renee as they come in too. 

" Can.. Can I get a picture?" squeaks Lexi. I laugh. She glares at me and says, " With everyone except him"

"Why?" asks Renee. 

" Because she thinks she can steal my BESTIE" I say, using a high-pitched voice on bestie. Everyone laughs and she glares at me. But, she gets her pictures. 

One by One, the cast comes in and Lexi is reduced to tiny squeaks. Ha, Ms. Smart Alec sis finally quiet. 

" I know what you are thinking and that's not nice" whispers Emma.

" What am I thinking?" I ask, grinning. 

" You're thinking 'thank god, Lexi shut up' " says Emma. I grin wider and nod. My crush knows  me so well. I was thinking about how to tell her that I like her when Emma says, " Meet me outside in 10 minutes, K?"

" Ok" I nod and think, ' Yes, I can finally tell her that I like her. 

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