Chapter 21

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Emma's POV

I asked Anthony to come outside to talk so I could tell him that I like him. But, I don't think I can. I told Pippa last night that I would tell him soon but I rushed to her dressing room while Anthony waited outside. 

" I don't know if I can do it" I said, freaking out. 

" You can, " Says Pippa, " What do you like about Anthony?"

" Well, he's super kind, and sweet and protective and super easy to talk to and he gets me and even though I have only known him for a while, I really like him and I.. uh!?!" I say 

" Well, that's a lot" says a voice behind me. I spin around and see Lexi. " So, go and get your man"

" Thanks, guys" I say, before heading outside. 

" Hey, ant." I say, seeing him by the side of the building. He turns around and upon seeing me, he smiles. 

" Hey, Em. Before you say anything, I need to tell you something" he says. 

" Okay, yeah, go ahead" I say, taking one of his hands in mine. 

He takes a deep breath and says, " Okay, so I know we just met a while ago, but I really like you and I want you to be my girlfriend"

I laugh and say, " That's what I was going to say. Well.. not that you would be my girlfriend though I have nothing against gay and lesbian and I am rambling again. 

He leans forward as I ramble on about god knows what. He keeps leaning until our lips touch and I swear Sparks flew. I know it sounds cheesy, but our lips fit perfectly. I kissed back. I pulled away first and breathlessly  said, " Thanks"

He laughs and said, " no problem. If you ever need me to shut you up again, call me" 

We laugh and then I ask, " So, are we dating?"

" I don't know. Are we?" He said. 

" I think we are" I say, smiling. 

" Then, we are" he says. " So when do we tell people?"

" Oh, I don't know. Maybe after the show. Except I have to tell Lexi and the girls first" I say. " I'm sure you want to tell Daveed and Oak,or Thayne or Leslie or Jonathan or OMG! Vanessa will kill me if someone finds out before her. "

Anthony kisses me again and as we pull away, " How about you can tell anyone you want right now and at the end, it can be official" He says 

" okay" I say, breathlessly. " I'm going to go inside now. "

" yeah, okay, lets go" He says. 

"Bye" I wave as I walk to Pippa's dressing room, where Jazz, Phillipa, Renee and Lexi were sitting on their phones. 

" We are officially a couple" I announce. They all start to cheer, finally, yay. Stuff like that. 

" I told you. Did I not?" Lexi and Pippa say. 

" Yeah, yeah, whatever" I say, blushing. " Just don't put anything on the internet yet because me and Anthony are going to tell people at the end of the show. 

" I have to wait till the end of the show for the news. " Says Lexi, "No!!!"

" I have to text Vanessa and tell her" I say. 

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