Chapter 29

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" I can't thank you enough, Lin" I say following Lin to the coffee machine.

"No problem kiddo" He says, ruffling my hair. I scowl and put my hair make the way it was before he messed it up.

" Hey, have you seen the twitter comments?" I ask, sadly.

" Yeah, I did and I just wanted to say don't listen to them " He says, turning around to look at me.

" But, you promise that You didn't actually the role just because I'm your foster daughter? Right?" I ask, uncertain.

" Of course not. Listen, being my daughter gives you a platform where you can audition. Then, I heard you sing and I knew you were the perfect understudy and you are here everyday anyways so it was perfect." Lin explains.

" oh ok good." I say, scratching the back of my neck.

" Don't let them in your head. Oh, by the way, we aren't doing the meet and greet tonight, me and Vanessa need to have a conversation with you. I think you'll really like it. " Lin says.

" Really like what?" Jonathan Groff comes up behind me to get coffee.

" I don't even know. Lin and Vanessa like to never tell me anything" I say and Groff laughs.

" More good news is a good thing, is it not?" He says, in a british accent, trying to sound posh but ends up scalding his tongue with the hot coffee.

He runs around with his finger holding his tongue and panting heavily. Lin walks over and laughs, " Groff, what are you doing?"

" Hot, burning " he said before speeding off towards the cooler to get a bottle of cold water.

" okay, that made sense" says Lin before rolling his eyes and turning around silently snickering.

" I'm good" says Groff, returning with ice on his tongue. I snicker at him look at his coffee and look confused. He says, " I thought what we had was special, coffee"

I laugh and walk away and go to my dressing room. I like to say that. I have a dressing room!! 

"Hey, Jazz. " I say, walking in and pulling up a chair. I check my phone and see 2 texts, both from Lexi. I stare at them, wondering if I should open them. 

"Em, you okay?" asks Jasmine, looking around her costume rack to see me, looking down at my phone. 

" Lexi keeps texting me" I say, bluntly, before turning off my phone and shoving it in the pocket of my sweatshirt.

" Just block her. " Suggests Jazz, But I shake my head. 

" I can't bring myself to do it. Even though she hurt me badly, I just can't. I refuse to believe that 4 years of friendship were just thrown away. " I say. 

" If it's making you upset, just do it," she says. " I can do it for you if you want. "

" Sure," I say, giving her the phone and looking away. 

" Done, " Jazz says, handing me my phone. 

" Thanks, " I reply.

" No problem. " She says, as the announcer calls places. 

"Good luck, " I say, before she leaves. 

" Thanks" She pops back in and then heads out again. 

I shake my head and head to the seats to watch the show start. 

How does a bastard, orphan, son of a whore and a Scotsman, dropped in the middle of a forgotten spot.....

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