Thirty Eight | You Lost Someone Amazing

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"Always remember... Rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools, and accepted by idiots."
Ziad K. Abdelnour, Economic Warfare: Secrets of Wealth Creation in the Age of Welfare Politics



"He did what!" Justin shouted, Justin and I had both come early to school, allowing me to tell both Justin and Ross what had happened. Tyler walked into the court. Seeing two angry guys about to punch Ryan's face. Ryan hadn't turned up, allowing him a little bit of happiness before the three them beat him to pulp. Which I doubt they would? Well maybe Tyler would.

"He's an actual jerk," Ross said, Tyler stood beside me, we didn't talk about the near kiss, just about how much I hate Ryan right now.

"Just as I said." Tyler told them both.

"Wait how do you know?" Justin asked.

"She called me yesterday." Tyler said with no other questions.

"Where is he?" Justin said angrily.

"Don't beat him up." The three boys stared at me as if I had just said don't kill Hitler.

"Why not?" They all said in unison, which was really creepy.

"Because, he may have stood me up, but there must be a reason." I told them all.

"You said he went out with a blonde girl, who was it?" Ross queried.

"Who knows, but we may find out." We all saw as the gym doors open. Ryan walked in laughing with Jordan. I groaned as I saw him happy, whilst I stood out like a sore thumb in a field of happiness and joy.

"Ross, Justin, Tyler, Veronica." Ryan smiled out, as if nothing had happened.

I stood quietly beside Tyler, his hand grasped my own. Maybe an instinct or maybe he didn't even know.

"You seriously stood up my sister, and act like nothing happened." Justin shouted out, Jordan was trying to hide his laugh, I was seriously going to punch his face so he could never laugh again.

"Don't get angry at me, your sister is a slut." He told us all.

"Justin." I told him as he was about to punch Ryan. Ross kept him back, but Tyler was a harder issue.

"How am I a slut?" I finally spoke up.

"I got sent the video, of you two." I looked at him confused, what video.

"What are you on?" I shouted out.

He got his phone out, opening up messenger, showing a video, of the both of us. It was from yesterday.

I heard Tyler speak about Helena and how he said how I didn't deserve Ryan.

"Who should I waste it on then?"

I heard myself say. Ross and Justin staring at the screen.

"Someone who cares about you? Someone who will actually like you the way you like them. Someone who gives you the love you want but also need."

Tyler's Redemption(#1 in The Fallen Series) | ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now