Twenty Six | Confessions

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Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book.
John Green, The Fault in Our Stars



Lessons flew past, it was as if nobody had cared that I got suspended. I was still the normal me. Kayla however wasn't, the bruises had become blue and her lip had needed stitches. I couldn't contain my laughter as she had tried to cover it all with foundation and concealer.

Instead it looked like a child had put make up on. Or even worse, an amateur. Which she clearly was.

Tyler and I had talked and nodded in the corridors but Ross and Justin either swerved me away or interrupted the conversation. I had forgotten to ask what had happened the night where it all happened. So hopefully I could talk to him later on.

I went to practice as usual, sitting on the lower parts of the bleachers, it was mostly just a bore until Tyler showed up sitting next to me.

"Twizzler," he offered. I took one biting at the liquorice still watching the game.

"We need to talk." We both said in unison.

"You go first." I asked, he gave a small smile to me.

"You're in danger." He started off.

"Duh! That's what your supposed to protect me from."

"I know, but the wolves that injected me with it, they want to find you and give you to someone." Tyler recalled.


"The cat's mother." He paused. "How do I know?"

I groaned, now I knew what happened, I was almost scared for my life. "The wolves will probably come to the tournament tomorrow or even worse the banquet."

"You've got to be kidding me." I put my face in my hands as Tyler's arm comforted me.

"You ok." Ross and Justin came. Bending down to my height.

"Peachy." I replied.

They walked away, annoyed at Tyler. I saw Ryan playing on the court, he was dribbling and shooting. He looked tense and annoyed as well. Who peed in his cereal this morning?

"Does Michael know?" Tyler shook his head. "Why not?"

"If Michael finds out, that means you're in more danger than ever, they'll never catch the person without causing an alarm to set off. It's better if just the two of us know," I nodded, you got to give it to him. He had thought it all out.

Ryan walked up to me, he was clearly angry but was hiding it behind his mask of happiness.

"Veronica, how was suspension?" He queried.

"Actually ok." I smiled giving a small glance to Tyler.

"Your family is hosting the banquet next weekend." He asked, I nodded, I had heard so much about this banquet, I would probably end up mad, like my aunt Kelly, "would you like to uh go with uh me?"

"Like a date." I stammered out.

"Yeah? If you uh want." He said scratching his head.

"I would love to." I smiled again, my crush on six years finally asked me out. He smiled getting back onto the court.

"If he dies at the banquet you know who to blame." Tyler said in a serious tone.

"He won't die, we have to find the people; where did you get injected," I thought aloud.

"At a bar." He said drowning out.

I stood up, waiting for him to. "Come on then." I grabbed onto his arm and we left the courtyard, Ross, Justin and Ryan all giving glares. They all needed to calm down.

"Take us there then." I said in the empty parking lot. He grasped my hand before we left the parking lot and arrived outside a bar. I had been to one before with Michael but this one was different it smelt of hard liquor and smoke.

We both walked in, and sat on the stools. Everyone staring at Tyler.

"One gin and tonic and for ma lady." Tyler looked at me to say something. "Nothing." I wafted him away, staring at one particular man, he had big broad shoulders and tattoo's covered his body.

Tyler took a swing of alcohol, before lighting himself a cigarette. He blew out puffs of air, whilst drinking. If he was human, this would be so bad for his liver.

"That guy keeps staring at you." I whispered in his ear, it made him shudder a bit.

"I know, he's the wolf who wants you." He whispered back, his hot breath resting on my ear.

"Leaving so soon." The man said as we stood up. I grasped onto Tyler's hand, I felt it tighten, his jaw clenched.

Tyler tried moving, but got given a push backwards. "Tyler, their wolves, you can just transport us somewhere else." I whispered, which he clearly heard.

"I know." Tyler said.

Tyler let go of my hand, and punched the guy in the face. "Who sent you?" He asked giving another punch.

The guy gave a punch as well, before he turned himself into a wolf. It was big and black, a couple of inches taller then me. I walked backwards as Tyler tried to get rid of the clad of men around him.

"Sweetheart." I felt someone whisper in my ear, he grasped my arm, and I could smell the stench of liquor. "You'll come with me, or he dies." I saw Tyler trying to get rid of all those wolves. His pride was seriously going to get us killed.

I tried to get out of his grasp, hitting and kicking at his shins with no effect on him. I kicked and pushed and tried my hardest but in all effect his grip tightened. "Tyler." I tried shouting but instead a hand clasped against of my mouth.

I felt something inject into my arm, I jolted up, allowing a grey wisps of air flow through my body. My eyes turned a black and my limbs felt weak.

They let go of me, letting me drop to the ground.


Hey guys, what do you guys think happened to her. Very short part, sorry :( Also Ryan and Veronica is starting to bloom. I need a ship name for these people:

Veronica + Ryan

Veronica + Tyler

Tyler + Georgia

Sam + Ross ('Cause why not!)


Veronica + Ross

Veronica + Justin

Tyler + Michael

//Ryan or Tyler?//


Tyler's Redemption(#1 in The Fallen Series) | ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now