Thirty Four | Ask and Tell

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"And so we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past."
F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby



Three days, it took me three days to finally decide to go back to school, early Tuesday morning and my parents had been ringing and texting. I obviously lied, telling them that I was on a camping trip, that it would help to get into an Ivy League college. They bought it, which I was super relieved of.

I walked through the gates, still a bit wobbly with Tyler helping me, his arm was around my shoulder, directing me. The pain had stopped but I still felt weak. I left my hand tugging at his leather jacket. We both had Chemistry, so we could go together. Luckily we were only a little bit late so Mrs Latter couldn't tell us off.

We both walked in, and I could see Ryan's jaw clench; he saw Tyler's arm wrapped around my shoulder and my hand clasping onto his jacket.

"Sorry, we're late." I told her.

"It's ok, just try to be tardy next time."

"Will do Miss." I told her, before sitting next to Tyler, which allowed me to sit next to Ross and Ryan.

"Ross." I said quietly.

"Chica." He smiled out.

"Missed you." I smiled out, Mrs Latter had been talking to some students, so I quickly hugged him.

"Missed you too." He replied, hugging me back.

"Hey Ryan." I gave a small wave to him. He gave a small smile not saying anything else.

I didn't say anything else to him and let the lesson continue. It was mostly review of the last lesson which I missed. I wrote down my notes, before the lesson finished. Amanda had a dance competition this whole week, and Kayla and her clique were on a school trip this week so I didn't have to worry about them.

"Yo, Tyler you dating Veronica." He shouted at the end of the lesson, I saw both Ross and Ryan turn to the both of us. Ryan had asked me to the banquet, did he really think I would go for someone else.

"No." I quickly said, as Tyler stood their silently.

"Look at the time, I have to English." I dragged Tyler away with me, walking to English.

"I swear I hate Jordan sometimes." I muttered.

"Who wouldn't? He did hit you on the head with a basketball." I gave a small side nod. Ross caught up to us both, walking beside me.

"Chica, my mum hasn't see you in a while, and she wants to know if you'll come to dinner on Sunday." Ross stated.

"Yes, I love your mom, probably more then you." I playfully punched him.

"Tyler." Ross gave a small nod.

"Ross." Well they both clearly couldn't keep a conversation.

"I'm going to English now, see you both at lunch." I smiled leaving the both of them.

Lessons flew by until my appetite started to take over me and all I craved was lunch. Luckily I had money to buy food. Even if it did taste disgusting, I didn't care. I could just get Tyler to buy some food for me. But I doubt he'd want to go to McDonalds and get me a burger. Well he might.

I sat down next to Ross, slumping onto his arm. My head rested against it as Tyler bought food for me. Either he read my mind or saw that I was hungry. Because a McDonalds bag was left on the table.

"Thank you Tyler." I smiled out, starting to eat the luscious free food.

"How'd you get it?" Only Juniors and Seniors were allowed to go out of school for lunch. So they were probably confused.

"I have my ways." Was all he said. No other questions needed.

Jordan plopped down and Ryan followed, Tyler sat next to me, as the whole basketball team sat down. It was something I had to go through every lunch for the past two years.

"Panda." Justin spoke to me.

"Giraffe." I smiled out at him, hugging him. I doubt I could handle a week without them the last four days had been torture. I did have Tyler, who did help me a lot.

Ryan still hadn't made any conversation with me, so I decided that I needed to talk to him, I finished the burger and delved into the fries. "Ryan can I talk to you?" I said bringing the fries with me.

"Yes." Ryan told me, his blonde hair messily tossed about. It was cute.

"Why are you ignoring me?" I asked him. "I thought we were friends."

"That's it, I don't want to just be friends with you Veronica, I want to be more, I like you a lot. Clearly I blew my chance as you were wrapped in Tyler's arms." Ryan confessed out.

"Ryan, I'm not dating Tyler." I told him. "I like you a lot, since eighth grade, so would you like to go on a date tomorrow." I asked.

"No!" I gave a confused face as he looked at me. "I would love too, but I want to ask." He told me.

"Veronica, would you like to go on a date with me  tomorrow at 8." He ruffled his already messy hair.

"I'd love to." I smiled, he embraced me in his arms, I hugged back, smelling a sweet scent of pine and flowers. He always smelled of joy whilst Tyler always smelled of mystery and sadness. But it was an aroma I had got used to.

"Canderbury." I heard Tyler shout.

"Yes." I shouted back not facing him.

"Michael, wants to see us about you know." I didn't catch on until he gestured for me to come. Michael wanted to talk about Aurora.

"Oh, Ryan, text me." I gestured a wave and went with Tyler.

"You seem happy." He told me, I got my drink and bag and left them all.

"Laters." I waved at them all, they nodded as I left with Tyler.

"Because I am." I whispered to Tyler.

I grasped his hand allowing us both to arrive at Tyler's apartment. I toppled over as we arrived, allowing Tyler to catch me, making me stand still in his arms.

"Veronica, how are you?" Michael asked.

"I'm good, thank you." I smiled being as polite as possible.

"Raffael told us, that you'll help Uriel track Aurora down," Michael explained.

I nodded, Tyler still grasping onto my hand, I didn't bother letting go, as I stood closer to his tall figure.

"You better meet Uriel then." A blonde haired man walked in, with deep amber eyes. He had flecks of gold and amber fall from him as he stood in white next to Michael.

Intimidating, was a word that would definitely describe him.


Hey guys, double update and short authors note.

//Favourite archangel so far?//

Ria x

Tyler's Redemption(#1 in The Fallen Series) | ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now