Twenty Four | Wings

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Let me tell you this: if you meet a loner, no matter what they tell you, it's not because they enjoy solitude. It's because they have tried to blend into the world before, and people continue to disappoint them.
Jodi Picoult, My Sister's Keeper



The whole day was a bore. I really wanted to see Tyler, where his wings used to be, the marks that must portray across his skin.

I finished the work that Ross had gave me prior two days ago. I decided to read Wuthering Heights. I was half way through it when I felt someone whisper in my ear.

"Emily Brontë." Tyler paused, as I turned to see his face, the same black jeans, black shirt and black leather jacket clung to his body. "You act like a 70 year old women, who spends their time reading poetry about lustrous love and death."

"I like lustrous love and death poems actually." I nodded out, raising my head to meet his gaze. He sat on my windowsill, biting his lip.

He stood up, toppling down off my bed and onto the stack of Shakespeare books. When I had bought them all, my mother had given the most weirdest glare ever. I think she thinks I'm not her real child. Even the shop workers gave glares. Why was a 13 year old by all of Shakespeare's plays.

"Now this is what I like." He picked up Hamlet and Titus Andronicus. "Murder, deceit, violence, gore. Everything I love in two amazing plays."

"Their both very interesting." I trailed off.

"Off course they are." He said as if I was being dumb.

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." He quoted.

"Come along Canderbury." He smiled making a tower of the books.

I took his hand, it felt warm and it was comforting. We stood outside his apartment. I loved the whole complex, a man walked out of the door opposite Tyler's.

"You two love birds better not be getting up to something..." Tyler interrupted him before he could continue. I stood blushing, Tyler and I a thing. A definite no!

"She'd be the last person I'd fall in love with." Tyler opened the door and walked in, the man gave a sympathetic smile. Tyler is an official jerk. You get moments of books but now he was just being an idiotic loser.

"Do you like to bring people down? Or is it just a hobby of yours," I stormed out, slamming the door.

"Mostly a hobby, but bringing you down was never my intention." He confessed.

"You sure." I scoffed.

"Canderbury, don't get all sentimental with me; I'm selfish and you should know that, it's only to people I like that I'm nice too."

"Nice." I repeated.

"Yes, I'm nice to you, not to Ross or that Ryan kid, who stares at you."

"You're jealous." I smiled.

"Of Ryan, as if, I did beat him in Basketball." I remembered that day, I thought Tyler was such a creep then now I know why.

Tyler's Redemption(#1 in The Fallen Series) | ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now