Thirty Three | One Last Try

162 3 0

Let me tell you this: if you meet a loner, no matter what they tell you, it's not because they enjoy solitude. It's because they have tried to blend into the world before, and people continue to disappoint them.
Jodi Picoult, My Sister's Keeper



I woke up, feeling Tyler's grip around my waste, he had fallen asleep, small snores left his lips, and his shaggy blond hair was covering a bit of his eyes, he had the kind of hair that Zayn had in 2012, it was quiffed up but he had more of light brown , dark blonde hair colour. Which I really liked.

"Tyler." I said wanting to get up, the pain was surging through again and I couldn't reach the bottle. "Tyler." I repeated.

He started to stir, opening his eyes, he moved his arm, yawning and stretching his arms.

"Yes." He said running his eyes.

"Tablets." I told him, as the pain didn't leave my body, he quickly noticed pacing a tablet, I swallowed leaving against the headboard.

"I'm hungry." I told him.

"What do you want?" He stood up, yawning again, I could see his torso which had a distinctive v line. I quickly looked away as he noticed me staring, he gave a small smirk before walking away, I shuffled up a bit more, trying at least find some comfort, I hadn't even realised that we were in Tyler's apartment, until I saw a photo on his nightstand. I stretched my hand over, turning it around, I found a picture of myself last year, it was with Ross, Ryan and Justin when they had one a tournament. How did he get this picture?

I opened the desk and saw a file saying my name in bold, Veronica Kendall Canterbury, I opened it up seeing photo's from when I was little, walking around, everything about me was in here.

I no longer felt tired or in pain. I got up, seeing myself wearing a long shirt, I waddled, taking the file and picture outside, I walked out, standing straight and moving to the counter. My glasses had been on the table, they were propped against my nose as I sat down.

"What's this?" I said groggily.

"What?" He turned around, seeing the brown folder clasped in my hand.

"Michael gave it to me, so I could know more about you." Tyler said as if it was fine, that he had file about me, it could be classified as stalking.

"Why not just ask me?" I told him.

"There is private stuff on here, which I don't want people to know." I had read it and saw about how they knew about my nightmares. Ross and Justin and of course my parents knew, the school partially knew but it was private. I had a reason for not telling people either.

"Veronica, it's nightmares, how is that private?" He tried to defend himself.

"It's private for me, your little angel friends clearly all know, I wanted it to be private, hoping I could forget it, every night having the same nightmare, the pills help, they make me sane. Tyler you can't tell anybody."

"Veronica, I wouldn't." He reassured me.

"Do you have any iron tablets?" I asked him.

He opened his hand up allowing a red tablet form in his hand, he passed some water which I gladly took. I took the tablet, feeling stronger then ever.

"Raffael." Tyler spoke, as he saw Raffael standing behind me.

"Veronica you seem well." He blanked Tyler still annoyed.

"Thank you for helping me. It means a lot to me." She smiled out. He returned the smile back.

"Has Uriel found Aurora?" Raffael asked.

"No luck, their's a block, if he had a stronger bond." Tyler replied. That's when I remembered, Aurora had been part of me, maybe they could use me to track her.

"What about me?" They both stood confused.

"Aurora was part of me, maybe Uriel could use me to find Aurora." I offered.

"It's a good idea." Tyler said looking at Raffael.

"It may make you weaker." Raffael scowled out.

"I'll take the risk, I want Aurora killed and the person who made her do it as well." I told them.

"We'll talk to Michael and Uriel and see." Raffael said. "Right now, get some more rest." He left with spits of fire flying everywhere.

"Here." He passed me pancakes.

"Want strawberries." I gave the weirdest look in the world.

"No, strawberries are the devil's creation." I told him, he gave a small laugh, before eating one, I had started eating, I hadn't realised how hungry I had been until I had taken the first bite. Two pancakes later and I was sipping on my milkshake.

"Does it still hurt?" He asked me.

"Not that much, only if I put weight on it." I told him. I looked down, wanting to see if their was a scar, but I wasn't going to lift the shirt up to see the mark.

"How about you get some rest and then afterwards I'll take you home. Your parents must be worried," He told me, I nodded and he helped me to his room, I lay down, falling into a dreary sleep.

"Wait." Was all he said before looking at me. He opened his hand and I saw my sleeping pills. I took one, thanking him.

He was about to walk away, when I said his name. "Yes." Was all he replied.

"Thank you." He smiled, I felt dreary and went down.

"No thank you." Was all I heard. He was sweet and I trusted him, now I just needed him to trust me.


Hey guys, hope you liked this part and I hope you'll comment and vote on this chapter, do you think Tyler should have ignored the file and just ask Veronica or not?

//Worst school experience ever?//


Tyler's Redemption(#1 in The Fallen Series) | ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now