Twelve | Fighting Isn't The Answer...Or Maybe It Is

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"Beauty is terror."
Donna Tartt, The Goldfinch



"Who is Tyler?" Ryan said getting straight to the point.

"Why do you think I know him?" I said crossing my arms.

"We've seen you both talk and how you act like you've been besties for a decade." Ross interrupted Ryan who was going to speak.

"Well I don't." I told them a bit annoyed. But I was lying to them so I would be annoyes as well.

I was a really good lier and probably only Justin knew when I was lying, I had known Ross for so long that if Ross played with the ring on his right index finger you knew he was lying. However he never knew that whenever I lied I always put my left leg behind me andy right in front.

Best friends are supposed to notice stuff like this buy Ross only notices girls and food. I also apparently don't count as a girl in Ross' eyes, more of an unknown species, after halloween of 2010, I dressed up as Indiana Jones, because I had, had a weird obsession with him, and Ross always thought I was a boy after that.

Now I can hardly remember the films. I looked at his ring again. He had got it from his grandfather when he had died. I remember the day, Ross was 13 and I was 12, Ross had cried his eyes out, when it happened. I conforted him for about a month, befofe Ross finally found peace. He loved the ring abd if he ever lost it, I swear  all hell would be let loose.

"Laters boy, Justin is probably wondering where I went." I waved at them leaving then alone.

"Can we go home?" I told Justin.

He nodded, cutting his conversation short with Amanda.

We walked to his car and left as soon as Justin found his keys, I swesr this guy will loose his brain one day.


My parents get so worried, after we told then of my allergic reaction, they made me go hospital, literally the hospital, the doctors told me everything was fine and that I probably took the wrong medication when I was ill this morning.

I let then believe that, not telling them that I checked, I hd also been told I didn't need to take my iron tablets anymore, which made me as happy as a goose on drugs.

I had, had the longest day ever; I instantly fell alseep, not bothering to check my messages.

Once I woke up, I never expected to see a message from an unknown number, my bets it was Tyler.

Oh how I was right.

I ignored his messages, quickly getting changed and jogging down the stairs, whose kidding, I don't jog, or do any excerise, I'm as lazy as a bone.

"Veronica, you going to walk today?" My mum asked.

"I'm uncapable of getting out of my bed, how do you think I'll be able to walk to school." I told her, tryinh to find some chocolate cereal.

"Your brother already left." My face already dropping, that sun of a gun. I was so going to punch him when I found him.

"Mummmm." I trailed off.

"Sorry Veronica, I gotta go work now, so if you want to be early then you can come." She told me.

"I'll come now, to punch that putz." I told her.

"Putz, the last time you said that was when you where twelve." She told me.

"I know." I muttered, taking some cereal in my hand and getting in the car with her.

The drive was only four minutes but walking would take half an hour and I'm too lazy for that.

"Laters mom." I smiled and waved at her, I loved getting to spend moments with my mum, even if it was just a car journey, I loved it.

I walked into the basketball court inside, I saw Justin with his team. I was going to kill him for leaving me, I liked being early to school, it meant I could go to teachers instead of going at lunch and break when they where all together.

"Justin you putz." I shouted at him.

"Calm down Veronica, did mum drop you off?" He crossed his arms.

"Yeah, she did, I'm wondering why you didn't." I pushed him, making him move a bit.

"He was with me." I saw Kayla's smug face.

"Why where you with her?" I crossed my arms.

"We were getting to know each other better." She told me.


"Why can't I, I always told you your brother was hot." I internally gagged when she told me that.

"Hot and my brother don't deserve to be in the same sentance, but you and b..." Justin quickly shut me up.

"She wanted a ride to school."

"You picked that thing over me." I shouted again, crossing my arms together.

"You dented my car yesterday when you shut the door, and you where asleep." He said.

"I never did, and it's called waking me up." I said making a scene.

"It doesn't matter you're here now." Justin said, continuing talking to the team.

"Such a loser." I heard Kayla mutter under her breath.

"That's it." I shouted at her, runnung up to her, I instantly slapped her smug face. She looked up at me, as a cut had formed, that's what you get.

It was good that I wore a ring today.

She slapped me back, I stood in awe, and that was how I had my first fight at school.

We had punched, kicked and slapped each other, until someine had taken us off each other.

"Calm down." Tyler told me, pulling me away from her.

I had a bloody lip and a sore cheek, but Kayla had it worse with her bust lip, bust cheek, black eye. I was violent clearly.

"What happened?" I heard the principal say.

Kayla was being held back by Jordan, I felt Tyler's arms around my waist, making sure I didn't kill her.

"Veronica, Kayla both to my office." He told us both. Tyler and Jordan let go of our waists. I would have punched her.

She put her leg out, what a jerk? I luckily didn't trip and walked past her.

I was in big trouble.


Hey guys, so my hiatus has started, I'll be seeing you guys on Saturday, I won't be responding to anybody on Wattpad or any of my social media.

//If the fight had continued who do you think would have won?//


Tyler's Redemption(#1 in The Fallen Series) | ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now