Four | Mystery Man

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Being with you never felt wrong. It's the one thing I did right. You're the one thing I did right.
Becca Fitzpatrick, Crescendo (Hush, Hush, #2)



"We should call her a fat sloth not a panda." I heard Justin mutter.

I opened my eyes, I was lying in the nurses office, Justin, Ross and Amanda where standing whilst I saw Ryan sit beside me.

"Awake than." Ross said.

"Yeah, what time is it?" I yawned.


I groaned getting up, the light blinding me, making me drowsy, I hit my head back on the bed.

"She's tired, she'll need to take some paracetamol and than she needs some rest." The nurse said, leaving some water and paracetamol.

"What happened?" I muttered, my eyes still shut.

"Jordan was messing around with a basketball and it got bounced away, and hit you, you weren't paying attention." Justin explained.

I was too concentrated on the black figure.

"There was this guy who walked past you, he was wearing all black." I described him to them.

"There was no one like that." Ryan spoke, he had finally spoke. I didn't realise he even cared that much to have stayed with me.

"But..." I was going to continue when I got interrupted.

"It was probably your imagination." Ross interrupted.

I didn't carry on, clearly there was no one of that description who wad there. But I saw him yesterday and this morning.

He felt real, when I bumped into him, he was solid, he was there. I knew he was.


Too say my mother was worried would be an understatement. She hugged me till I couldn't breath. Justin explained what had happened and my parents had let me stay in my room, too sleep.

In reality all I did was go on my phone.

I started getting interested in the mystery guy. So I texted Ross, the figure had passed Ross and Ross woild have clearly noticed.

No response came from Ross. He was probably busy.

I heard a ding as I saw Ross answer with a 'What you on?'. I wasn't going mad, I had definitely seen someone.

I decided not to reply telling him it wad nothing. I would see that mystery guy again. I would see him, and when I did, I would talk too him.


You guessed it, I didn't get in the cheerleading squad. One because I didn't try out and two, if I had tried out, I would have failed.

I almost laughed when I saw that Lexi and Sarah had got into the team and not Kayla. I felt no remorse, I felt happy.

Justin, Ryan and Ross had got in, with some other people, including Jordan. I saw happiness and joy in their eyes as I walked into the lunch hall.

Tyler's Redemption(#1 in The Fallen Series) | ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now