Forty Eight | Dramatic Devils

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"You don't forget the face of the person who was your last hope."
Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1)



"She's fine, but her memories are coming back." Braylinn said popping a tablet into my mouth, "swallow." Was all he said.

"I need to check her and the boy tomorrow." He continued. He looked at his watch. "School is starting in twenty minutes." He told us both.

"Ryder can stay here right." I asked Tyler. He nodded, before helping me up. It had token me a while to get used to what had just happened. I now new everythibg, every last bit and what scared me more was that I had seen the figure in my room. He could take me anywhere and anytime.

Tyler took me back to my house, "You don't have to go if you don't want too." He said to me.

"I want to, I'll be back in a sec." I said taking a bundle of clothes, looking through it all in the bathroom, I looked at my reflection seeing my bags under my eyes and gritty, oily hair, I got some dry shampoo embracing it in my hair and neck. Putting on random clothes, I walked out tying my hair up.

Tyler smiled taking my bag, before I felt the breeze of air wave through my hair. We walked in with ten minutes to spare, I let my body closer to his as I let my hand hold his and my other hold the black embroidered strap of my bag.

"Chica." Ross smiled hugging me, clearly missing me. "You missed the dinner yesterday." He said sadly.

"Yeah sorry about that, I was out with a friend." I told him.

"You have friends." Justin shouted out.

"Yes Justin unlike you." I retorted out.

"Missed you." He smiled out, hugging him as well.

"What is this a re-re-reunion?" I heard Ryan shout, was he drunk at school at half 8 in the morning.

His arms draped over I's and Tyler's shoulders. Yep! A distinctive smell of alcohol went around his body. "Oh look at the time, come on guys." I shuddered away. Grasping Tyler's hand we both walked to one of the lessons where we were alone. Maths.

We walked in, sitting next to each other, I saw some glares from some girls as Tyler started whispering stuff about how our teacher wouldn't be in the lesson. She was always late or didn't show up, I had prayed not to have her last year but clearly my wishes had been unheard.

We started talking about how angels used to visit humans and help them. He told me about one of his friends called Micah who used to help teenagers who were in exams, going through their minds and giving them some answers.

"Where is he now?" I asked.

"Out and about I guess, he stopped doing stuff like that after I fell." He shrugged out.

"I'd love to meet him." I said to him.

"Soon." He said with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Sorry for being late class, can we stop the chatter." A man, with a think hard tone walked in, he was tall with broad shoulders and short black hair.

Tyler's jaw clenched as I saw a worried look cross his face. "What are you doing here?" Tyler immediately shouted.

"Mr..." He trailed off looking at Tyler. "Finally, come outside." He gestured to Tyler.

"Tyler who is he?" I said grasping his wrist as he stood up. "Come with me," He gestured, I followed as people started staring in confusion.

We both walked out as the teacher looked at the both of us. "What are you doing here?" Tyler slammed the guy onto the lockers.

Tyler's Redemption(#1 in The Fallen Series) | ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now