The News

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"Gods! I love Lucina more than anything, but I don't think she knows what the term 'sleep' means!" I groaned as I collapsed on the couch.

Aversa looked up from her book. "Wow! She's such a good baby in the morning, I didn't know she was a trouble maker at night!" she giggled.

I opened an eye as she spoke. "Don't even get me started!" I sighed. "She kept waking Anna and me up every 5 minutes last night! I'm exhausted!"

"Wow! Sorry to hear that!" Aversa exclaimed. "Hey, where is Anna?"

I sat up and ran a hand through my hair. "She's in the kitchen with Luci," I replied. "Poor thing... She didn't get any sleep last night!"

Aversa put down her book and gave me a pitiful look. "Awww! Poor sissy!" she said. "Hey, I can watch Lucina for the day while you two catch up on sleep if you'd like?"

"Yes! Please!" I immediately said.

"Haha! Ok, then!"

I laid back down and reached for the TV remote. "Thanks, Aversa. That really helps." I turned the TV on and switched to the news channel. "Let's see what's on the news..." Like usual, there was a story about some significant crime that recently happened. Cop cars were lined up outside of a large building, and the police were inside arresting the perpetrator. Moments later, the doors swung open to reveal...Validar?!

I sat up in shock and shared a look with Aversa. "What the...?!"

"Turn it up!" Aversa demanded.

I did what she told me, and we glued ourselves to the screen. "Anna! Get in here, now! This is important!" I yelled.

Anna quickly came into the living room, Lucina still in her arms. "What's going on?!"

I shushed her and gestured for her to sit down. "Validar was just arrested!" I said.

"What?!" She immediately sat down and held Lucina closer to her.

"Just yesterday, we found out that Mr. Validar Grima from the Plegian Corporation has been conducting illegal business in his company," a police officer said. "Some of the charges include counterfeiting money, tax fraud, embezzlement, and blackmailing other companies. We plan to interrogate him to find of if he's committed any more crimes, but we just want to keep him away from the public right now."

"Oh, my gods..." Aversa whispered.

The camera panned to Validar's sneering face as he was pushed into the cop car. "He owes a lot of money to many different companies and even compensation to the ones he's harmed!" The officer said.

"I can't believe this..." I said under my breath.

"It... It's over!" Anna exclaimed, tears running down her cheeks. She turned to me. "Chrom, we don't have to worry about him anymore! He can't come after the company anymore!"

"Y-you're right...!" I embraced her tightly, making sure to keep a bit of distance away from her, so we didn't hurt Lucina. "We're safe from him..."

"This is amazing!" Aversa cried. We looked up at her. "H-he won't be able to make any legal actions against me! I'm in the clear!"

Anna handed Lucina off to me and ran to her sister. "It's all over, 'Versa... We're safe..." she sobbed. "We don't have to fear him anymore... His influence is gone!"

"Yes! It's all over!" The two sisters embraced one another and sobbed. They're so relieved...I'm glad!

I stood up with Lucina in my arms and walked over to Anna. "Babe? I'm gonna take Luci for a walk, ok? I think you two need some time alone." I said.

Anna looked up at me and nodded. "T-thank you..." she said beneath her tears.

I smiled at her and exited the room, placing Lucina in her stroller. "Let's give them some time, Luci... A lot has happened in one single morning!" Lucina looked up and me and babbled in baby talk. I chuckled. "Yeah, sure...whatever you say!"

I exited my house and walked with Lucina down the sidewalk.


Sorry this chapter was shorter than usual. Anyway, only one more chapter in Parallel World! I'm sad to see it go, but I also can't wait for it to be over. Now, I bet you're wondering about that mini series. Well, I'm going to announce it in the next chapter, which will be posted later today. Thank you so much for reading, and look forward to reading more!

Currently listening to: Gold: Owl City

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