The Shepherds

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"I can't believe you're a Shepherd now, Anna!" Lissa exclaims.

I laugh "It sounds kinda weird when you say it like that! It sounds like I'm ready to tend sheep!" I say.

Lissa rolls her eyes "Yeah, I don't know what was going through my brother's head when he thought of the name!" She says. "Anyways, let me fill you in on what we do. The Shepherds Branch is a more casual branch in the company. We dress a bit more casually, so you don't need to dress formal everyday. Anyways, we are like a big family here! We have tons of fun, and mess around a lot! All the members help Chrom by organizing things in the branch and find new people to invite to the parties. You'll be in charge of planing the parties, so you don't need to do any of that!"

We approach the door to the main room "Are you ready?" She asks.

I nod "Yes."

She opens the door, and we're greeted by everyone.

"Is this the newbie?"


"Wow! She was the one who planned the party?"

"Nice to meet you!"

I look in awe at all the people "Wow... it's nice to meet you, everyone!" I say.

Lissa smiles, and shows me around the room, telling me everyone's names "Anna, that is Frederick, Chrom and I's bodyguard. The the woman right next to him is his girlfriend, Sumia." Lissa says.

"Over there is Sully and Virion. They're not a thing yet, but it's gonna happen!" She whispers.

"There we have Vaike, Stahl, Cordelia, Miriel, and Kellam."

She shows me a brown haired man "Anna, that is Lon'qu, my boyfriend. Just a heads up, he has gynophobia, so don't get too close!" She says. I laugh.

"Over there we have Ricken and Maribelle. They're getting married in the fall. And then there's Gaius and his girlfriend Panne. Oh! And that's Cherche and her husband, Libra!" She points to an older looking man and a little girl "That's Gregor and Nowi. And I know what you're thinking. Nowi is in her thirties." She says.

"Holy crap." I say.

Lissa nods "I know. Anyways! That's Olivia, and that's Donnel! And last but not least, there's-" She's cut off.

"THARJA?! HENRY?!" I shout.

They snap their head towards me. "ANNA!" They yell in sync. They run up and hug me.

"I see you three have met!" Chrom says, entering the room.

We separate "Yeah! We grew up in the same neighborhood, and we went to school together up until college!" I exclaim.

Chrom laughs "Haha! Well, that's good! Welcome to the Shepherds, Anna!"

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