The Cocoon

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I sigh in an exasperated way, and close my computer. I rub my face. I'll deal with the rest of this tomorrow... I need to get some sleep. I get up, and exit my office. I walk into the hallway, and note that it's completely dark and quiet. Anna must have gone to bed before me... that's a first.

I quietly open the door to our bedroom, and just as I predicted, Anna is sleeping soundly in a cocoon of blankets. I smile. I forgot... in the off chance Anna goes to bed before me, she likes to hog the blankets! I get changed, and crawl into bed.

I poke at Anna's cocoon, "Anna. Anna? Can I have some blankets?" I ask, amused. She grumbles, and snuggles deeper into the cocoon. "Anna!" I poke at her face "Honey, please. I'm cold." I say.

Anna opens an eye "What are you doin' up so late?" She mumbles.

"I wanted to work on a few things, but I just decided to finish them in the morning. Now I'm here." I answer.

Anna yawns "Ok... if it's about the upcoming party... I have some plans made up so..." She yawns again "So maybe those will help..." She says, beginning to drift off to sleep.

I place my hand on her head "Darling, you have all the blankets. Can I at least have one?" I ask.

She smirks slightly "But it's my warmth cocoon... and I don't want to mess with it." She murmurs.

"Can I join you in the warmth cocoon?" I ask.

She mumbles something, and lifts her arm. I snuggle in next to her, and cuddle her. She smiles, and mumbles in satisfaction, "This is much better..." She mutters.

I hug her "I can imagine so." I say coyly.

I lean in to kiss her goodnight, but am stoped by a furry little body. I open my eyes to see Aaron Purr laying down in between us.

Anna laughs "Awww, someone wanted to join the warmth cocoon!" She says.

I chuckle, and close my eyes "I guess so." Aaron Purr yawns, and puts his head on his tiny paws, and closes his little eyes. "I'll just kiss you later. Goodnight, Anna. I love you." I say.

"Goodnight, my love." Anna replies.

I open my eyes once more, and stare at the scene in front of me. This is my home. This is my family. This is where I belong. My family and friends are here. I am building my life, right here, no matter what he says. I pull my girlfriend and kitten closer. I'm staying right here with you, forever.



Currently listening to: Relaxing Piano Anime Mix - beautiful and emotional anime mix Vol 8: The Soul of Wind

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