The Morning

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My eyes slowly flutter open as the bright sun beams through the window. I groan as I feel the routinely morning sickness pang it's way into my stomach. Speaking of which, I smile as I look over to see my husband contently sleeping with a smile on his face and his hand on my stomach.

I giggle lightly and entwine my hand with his, smiling once I see his eyes slowly open. "There's not even a lump yet, dear. Why do you always put your hand on my stomach?" I ask.

Chrom sighs and sits up a little. "Just because there's no lump doesn't mean there isn't a baby in there," he answers. He begins to rub my stomach. "Besides, you're talking as if you don't feel your stomach every once and awhile..."

I sigh in agreement and lean back into the pillows.

"I'm really excited, you know?"

I open an eye. "Mmm?"

"To be a father...! I can hardly believe it!" he exclaims.

I laugh and transfer my hand from my stomach to my husband's hair. "Well, you have plenty of time to prepare for it!" I exclaim. "You know, I've heard people say a woman becomes a mother when she's pregnant, and a man becomes a father when the baby is born,"

Chrom laughs and continues to rub my stomach. "Haha! Well, I guess I'll take all the time I need to get ready for being a parent... I may need a few hundred years..."

I playfully swat his head. "I don't think anyone can be fully ready for this kinda thing," I murmur. "But, we'll help one another in this. It's what parents are supposed to do. Work as a team."

Chrom nods and gathers me into his arms. "Now that's something we can do!" he exclaims, pulling me in for a kiss. I sigh against his lips and rest my hand on his jaw.

Just then, our baby decides we should stop. I pull away from Chrom and grab the bucket I placed at the side of the bed. Chrom rubs my back as I lose what I had for dinner last night.

"There, there, love. There, there..."


I walk into the kitchen where Chrom is waiting for me. "You feeling better?" he asks.

I take a seat and nod. "Yeah. But I really need to eat something right now," I groan.

Chrom nods and gets out of his chair. "Of course. Well, since I don't want to burn the house down, would you like cereal or toaster waffles?" he asks.

I laugh and shake my head. "Waffles. Thank you."

Chrom puts the waffles in the toaster and sets the table. Making sure to add the essentials such as fruit, whipped cream, milk, syrup, and pickles.

I take the jar of pickles and take one out. "You know, I never really believed it when people said pregnant women need pickles. But now," I take a bite of the pickle. "They are all I want."

Chrom chuckles and puts some plates down. "I see," he laughs. "Well, I can only guess it's going to get worse from here,"

I nod and lean back. "You and me both,"

The waffles pop up from the toaster and Chrom goes to get them. He sets the plates of waffles down and kisses my head. "Breakfast is served, my love," he says.

I smile. "Thank you," I put some strawberries on my waffles and a mountain of whipped cream. I look over to Chrom who is staring at my creation. "What?"

He just takes out a pad of paper and a pen. "Add to the grocery list: 5 bottles of whipped cream..." he notes.

I being to eat. "Hehe...sorry..."

Chrom shakes his head and begins to eat as well. "It's fine. I know how dangerous a pregnant woman's cravings are. Remember, I have a little sister." he points out.

I laugh and take a drink of milk. "I'm well aware of that."

Chrom stops eating abruptly and turns to me. "Oh! That reminds me! My mom wanted me to tell you she wants to get together with you so she can give you some advice." he said.

I nod and swallow some waffles. "Ok. My mom wanted to do something like that too, so maybe the three of us can get together sometime!" I suggest.

Chrom nods and returns to his breakfast. "She'd like that. I'll let her know," he said. "You know, she's really excited to be a grandma."

I smile at him. "I's my mom... Hey, you think...?"

Chrom takes my hand. "My dad said he's really happy for us and he's really excited about becoming a grandpa. Don't worry," he reassures me.

I sigh in relief and squeeze his hand. "Good. I at least want our kid to have one grandfather. ...I haven't seen Validar in years..."

"That's part of the reason my dad accepts this all of a sudden. He thinks that being the better grandfather is a way to one-up Validar. Not the most sincere change of heart but at least he's trying!" he said.

I laugh. "Well, it's something!" I exclaim. We continue to talk and eat our breakfast for while. As we eat, I notice Chrom growing a bit more distant and worried. "Chrom, are you ok?"

He turns to me. "...You're feeling 100% ok, right?" he asks.

I nod slowly. "Yes...I am," I reply.

"No sudden changes?"


"The baby feels normal?"

"Yes, why wouldn't it be?"

Chrom nods then focus back on his food. "Good, good..." he murmurs.

I give him a look. "...Chrom, why are you so worried all of a sudden?" I ask.

Chrom sighs than places his fork down. "Anna, I'm just worried! Ok? Who wouldn't be? This is our first child so it's perfectly normal to worry!"

"Well, you're being extra worried!" I shout.

We stare at each other for awhile.

Eventually, Chrom gives up and rubs his face with his hands. "My mom was pregnant once before she had Lissa, but we never got to meet them because my mom miscarried," he said. "I don't want that to happen to you."

I stare at him. "Oh...oh, gods... Chrom, I'm so sorry! I had no idea!" I admit.

Chrom shakes his head. "No, it's fine, really! I know you're almost four months along and you're almost passed the point of that happening, but I still don't like that there's still a chance of it happening," he said.

I nod slowly and look down. "I understand..."

Chrom smiles at me. "Just, if you feel any different, come tell me. Promise?"

"I promise."

We continue to eat out breakfast and talk about our future family.


I'M BACK AFTER LIKE, A MONTH!!! I'm SO sorry this took so long to update, I was just having some trouble thinking about what I was going to do next. But I now have a bunch of solid ideas for the next few chapters, so look out for those! Also! I plan on updating Parallel World: Side Stories, a bit more, so go check that out! Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

Currently listening to: When I'm With You: Mystery Skulls

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