The Baby Shower

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"I'm so glad you finally agreed to this!" Lissa exclaimed as she ran around the room.

I sighed and placed a hand on my heavily swollen stomach. "Yes, with 2 whole months of planning, we finally have this ready..."

Ever since I announced I was pregnant, Lissa has wanted to throw me a baby shower. Chrom and I finally gave in, and let her throw it... We decided that 2 months ago.

Let me just tell you straight: I'm 8 months pregnant, and I can barely move. I hate going places. Well, I hated doing that before I was pregnant, but still. This damn baby shower was at an event center 40 minutes from my house, and I'm not happy about it. And it took even longer for me to get here because I was making Chrom stop every 5 minutes to go to the bathroom.

Don't get me wrong, I love my child with everything I am, and I want to see her thrive in the world. But right now, I sort of hate her. I just want this to be over. Lucina has been making my life a living hell. I can't sneeze without going to the bathroom, I haven't eaten a regular meal in 6 months, and poor Chrom has been taking to the couch most nights. I'm not really complaining about that last one, though. I will take up as much room as possible.

Where was I? Oh, yeah; the baby shower.

"Can we please get this over with as fast as possible?" Chrom pleaded. "I need to get home and finish up some work."

I wanted to work for as long as I could before I took a maternity leave. Unfortunately for me, my boss is also my overprotective husband. I've been off work for 3 months. It's driving me insane.

"Enough with the complaining!" Maribelle demanded. "You're going to have a fantastic time and like it!"

I sighed and walked over to a chair to sit down. Chrom helped me into it and remained by my side, like always.

After some time, everyone else arrived. All the female Shepherds were here, and so were my mother and Lucia. Say'ri from the Cho'sin Corporation was visiting Ylisse for a business thing, so she forged time out of her schedule to be here! Even Flavia from the East Ferox Company was here!

"So, what are you gonna name the little one, sis?" Flavia asked. The Regna Ferox Company is a tremendous partner of the Exalt Corporation, so we see one another a lot. Because of that, Flavia and I have gotten to know one another well, and she's kind of taken a big sister persona around me.

"We're naming her Lucina," I replied, smiling down at my stomach.

Flavia laughed. "Haha! Excellent choice!" she cheered. "I'm sure she'll grow up to be a robust and successful woman!"

"Thank you, Flavia!"

"Aye, you'll make an excellent mother, Anna. I'm certain of it." Say'ri agreed.

I smiled at the two women. "Thank you, both, so much! That really means a lot!"

Within a few hours, all the presents have been opened, and all the activities have been done.

Some of my friends gave me some general baby stuff like clothes and furniture, but then people like Sully gave me useful things like a baby onesie shaped like a narwhal. Best gift I've ever received.

Just then, I noticed some of the security guards exchanging words with one another and exiting the room in a rushed fashion.

What's going on...?

I went to get up, but Chrom and my mother stopped me.

"Anna, stay here," Mom commanded.

What?! Why?! "Mom, what's going on?" I asked, panic beginning to settle its way into me.

"Just stay here," she repeated. "Chrom, make sure you don't leave her side."

Chrom nodded and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Of course," he said. He leaned down to me. "Just stay here, love."

"What?! No! I want to know what's going on!" I demanded. "Is someone here?!"

"Well, well, well. Long time no see!"

Everyone turned to the sound of a croaky voice, and standing there, was none other than Validar.

My mother immediately stood protectively in front of me, and Chrom clenched his hands into fists as if ready to get into a fight.

"I'm a bit disappointed that I wasn't invited to this shindig!" Validar remarked. "All I wanted was to see my daughter! Can you call that a crime?"

Mom wasn't taking the bait. "Validar, you're not supposed to be here," she growled. "I'm more than capable of calling the police for violation of your restraining order."

Validar ignored her words and continued to walk toward me. "I'll only be a moment, Evelina!" he pouted. "I just wanted to see my sweet little Annie!"

I refused to stay in place and stood up, facing Validar directly. "Call me 'Annie' one more time, and I won't be afraid to put 3 years of combat lessons to use."

Unfazed, Validar continues till he was only a few steps away from me. "My apologies, my dear. I simply forgot that you hate that name. After all, it's been what? 20 years since we last saw one another?"

I placed a protective hand on my stomach. "What do you want?"

Validar grinned wickedly and chuckled a bit. "All I wanted was to drop off a gift for my Ann! You are my-"


Chrom rushed up to me and held me back. "Anna, calm down!"

Validar regained his composure and forced a smile on his face. "Again, I must apologize. I'm simply happy to see you, my child," he said as he caught his breath. "Anyhow, here, this is a gift from the Plegian Corporation! I hope you enjoy it..." He handed me a small box.

"I shall take my leave, now," he said, beginning to move. "I'm sorry if I caused any interruptions! Goodbye!"

And just like that, he was gone.

I stared uneasily at the box. Upon opening it, I found a small ring with the Plegian Co. crest on it.

"Anna...? What is it?" Chrom asked.

I sighed and walked over to the nearest trash can. "None of our concern."

I dropped the box and ring into the trash can.

I took a deep breath and went back to my husband and mother. "I'm tired. I want to go home."

Chrom nodded and wrapped his arm around me to help me walk. We thanked the others for coming and Lissa for throwing the event as we left.

We got into the car, and Chrom began to drive home.

After a few minutes of quiet, Chrom broke the silence. "Anna, are you alright?"

"I'm all right."


"I said I'm fine!" I demanded. "Let's just...go home..."

Chrom nodded silently and focused back on the road.

How did he find me?


I'm in an angsty mood, apparently! Long story short: I plan fluff, end up with angst. Whoop! Also! I don't know how often I'll be posting things right now. I'm going to try and update one of my stories once a week, hopefully. My life's a ball of stress right now. Thank you so much for reading, and look forward to reading more!

Currently listening to: Freak Show: Set it Off

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