The Surprise Part 2

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I let out a cry as a wave of pain hit me.

"It's ok, Anna! Just breathe! Everything's going to be ok!" Lissa reassured me, gripping my hand tightly.

Lucina decided that she wanted to be born a week earlier than her due date, and on the same day, her father was at an important meeting. Luckily, Lissa was at home with me when I began going into labor and could drive me to the hospital.

Now here was, lying in a hospital bed, waiting for my husband to arrive and my daughter to be born.

"Gah! Where...where is Chrom? Why isn't he here, yet?!" I asked weakly.

Lissa brushed my hair back and gripped my hand. "He'll be here soon! I promise!" she said. "Just stay calm...everything will be ok! Chrom told me he'll be here as soon as possible! Just sit and wait for a little bit!"

Another wave of pain hit me.

"I-I don't think she's gonna want to wait!" I cried.

"Hey, Anna. Look at me," Lissa demanded. I looked at her. "You've been through thick and thin. You can do this. Think about how happy you will be when Lucina is born! How happy you'll be to finally hold her in your arms! When you finally get to raise your family with Chrom! ...You'll have all of that so soon! Just hang in there a little longer!"

I stared my sister-in-law in her bright green eyes and gripped her hand tighter. "...You're right..." I gasped. "I-I just need to get through this..."

"How's everything looking, doc?" Lissa asked the doctor.

The doctor looked away from her computer and to us. "Everything is alright," she replied. "Mrs. Exalt, you're going to begin birthing any minute now, so just prepare for that,"

Hot tears began to run down my cheeks, and I clenched my jaw tightly. "C-Chrom... He needs to be here! I-I can't do this without him!"

Lissa dabbed a wet cloth on my head. "Just take a deep breath! Everything will be ok!"

Everything seemed to begin going dark. It hurt. It hurt so bad. I needed Chrom. He needs to be at my side when I give birth to our first child. I needed him-


My eyes shot wide open at the sound of my husband's voice.

He rushed over to me and took Lissa's place at my side. He gripped my hand so tightly as if it were the only thing keeping me alive. "Oh, gods! I'm so sorry I'm late! Are you ok?!"

I chuckled weakly and turned to him. "I... I've been better..." I replied. "I'm so glad you're here..."

He kissed my sweaty forehead and brushed my hair behind my ear. "I won't leave your side ever again, I promise. You won't go through this alone..."

"I know," I whispered. "Seems like you were right... Lucina was so active because she really was excited to meet her father! I-I guess she could tell you were away...and wanted to bring you back..."

Chrom laughed and smiled at me. "Well, this is one way to do it," he chuckled. "I can already tell she's going to be a handful!"

I laughed, too, and closed my eyes. "I'm sorry..."

"For what?"

I looked up at him. "I knew you were really anxious about becoming a father..." I said underneath my gasps of pain. "I-I wish I could've given you more time to prepare yourself..."

Chrom shook his head. "Gods, don't you dare apologize!" he sighed. "On the way here... I realized that this is something I could never really prepare for. My father was never there for me, and he never gave me advice on this kinda thing. So, I must figure this out on my own, and that's ok! I cannot wait for our little Lucina to be born... If anything...she'll help me prepare for when we go through all of this again!"

"Again?! You think I would like to be pregnant and give birth again?!"

He smiled. "...Yes. I think you would,"

I laughed and nodded. "You're probably right, then..."

"Anna, I'm going to be just fine. Trust me," he said. "All you need to do is worry about yourself, got it?"

I let out fast and labored breaths. "Got it..."

Just then, an enormous amount of pain erupted in my abdomen. "GAAAH!!!!"


I locked eyes with my husband once more. "...It's time..." I whispered, tears streaming down my cheeks.

Chrom's breathing hitched and he nodded. "Alright..." He leaned down and kissed me. "Are you ready?"

I smiled at him. "Not in the slightest,"

He chuckled, and I gripped his hand, preparing for the long hour ahead of us.

It's been quite some time since I updated this! I'm sorry it took so long, I've just been so busy with schoolwork and other works. I plan on updating this soon! Maybe even tonight! Also, I noticed this reached 1K reads! Thank you so, so, so much! Thank you again, and look forward to reading more!

Currently listening to: Ghost: Mystery Skulls

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