The Shopping Trip

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"Ah! This is just perfect!" Lucia exclaims. "Just us girls out on the town!"

I laugh and place a hand on my slightly expanded stomach. "Haha... Just promise me we won't do anything too crazy...!"

Lucia flicks her blonde hair. "Not to worry, darling! I know that it's like to be pregnant! We won't do anything that will make you uncomfortable!" she reassures me. "Trust me! If you need any advice on how to handle things, you need only ask!"

"You know, Lucia. Anna is MY daughter! If she's going to come to anyone for advice, it's going to be me!" My mother huffs.

Lucia turns to her, a forced smile painting her face. "Oh, Evelina! I'm only being honest! I'm just saying that I have more experience than you in this! I did have three kids, after all..." she said, the passive aggression burning within her words.

My mom grits her teeth. "Just because you had more kids than me doesn't mean you know everything about carrying a child!" she hissed.

I stand in between both women. "OK! That's enough!!! Let's not bite each other's heads off!" I lectured.

They huff and continue to walk with me, giving each other the occasional nasty-eye. I clear my throat. "AHEM! W-why don't we go shopping! I need to pick up a few things for the baby anyways!" I suggest.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea, love," my mother said.

"Do you know the gender yet?" Lucia asks.

I shake my head. "No, not yet. I'm getting an ultrasound in a week, though! I'll know then!" I chide happily, rubbing my stomach. I cannot wait till I find out if I'm having a son or daughter!!!

Lucia smiles. "Well, either way, they'll be perfect no matter what they are!" she squeals.

"Indeed," my mother agrees. "Oh! What if it's twins?"

"Now THAT would be fantastic!" Lucia exclaims

My eyes widen and I look to my stomach. T-there's no possible way for me to be having twins, right? It feels like I'm only caring one, but then again, I've never done this before, so I don't even know what two is supposed to feel like, either!

"Are you alright, Little Bird?" my mother asks.

I snap back to her and smile. "Y-yeah! I-I'm fine! The thought of having twins...oh, gods..." I lean onto a wall for support.

Lucia holds me steady. "We're just teasing, dear!" she apologized. "We know you are not carrying twins!"

"Or do we?" my mom points out.

"Evelina! For all we know, it could be triplets!"

"If it is triplets, I will murder Chrom,"

Both women turn back to me. "Oh... Well, I'm sure you're only expecting one!" Lucia quickly said.

My mom nods. "Indeed. Don't worry, love," she said in her calming voice of hers.

Hearing my mom reassure me makes me feel better, like when she used to comfort when I was little. I get all teary eyed at the memories. "Thanks, mom," I begin to cry. "S-sorry! My emotions have been everywhere lately!"

My mother smiles at me. "Oh, it'll only get worse!" she jeered.

I stop getting emotional and swat her shoulder. "Thanks, mom!"

They laugh. "Haha! Ahhh... But she's right. You're in for one heck of a ride!" Lucia chides.

I groan and begin to walk to the baby supplies store. "Greeeaaat..."

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