The Birthday

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8 months later...

"And yet another successful party done! Great job, Anna!" I say, sitting down across from my party coordinator.

Anna giggles "Haha, thanks! It surely wasn't easy! Gods... I swear, ever since I took over planning these things, more and more people want to come!" She says.

I nod "You got that right! You have certainly made a name for yourself! Lots of people are recognizing your abilities! They say you're like a shadow. They know you do everything, but you're never seen." I say.

Anna nods "Indeed. People don't need to know how the sausage is made, they just know that it happens! And I like it that way." She says.

"Right... yeah. You haven't had any problems so far, so I guess that means we're doing something right!" I say.

Anna laughs "Yeah... oh! Sorry! I have to go! Sumia, Cordelia and I are going out for lunch! I'll see you later?" She asks.

I nod, and get up "Of course. See you later." I say.

Anna waves, and exits the room.

I sigh "Oh well, I guess I'll just have to eat lunch alone." I exit the room, and walk down the hallway.

Just then, my sister runs up to me "Chrom! Do you have any idea of what is happening in a week?!" Lissa asks.

I stare at her "Uhhhhhh... no...?" I reply.

Lissa groans "Ugh! Oh course not! I'll give you a hint. It's a very special day, that comes once a year, and it involves someone who's name rhymes with banana!" She says.

I think for a moment "Uhhhhhhh... I got nothing!" I admit.

Lissa face palms "UGGHH! IT'S ANNA'S BIRTHDAY!!!" She yells.

I look at her in surprise "Oh! It is? I had no idea!" I say.

Lissa rolls her eyes "Of course not! I've known her for awhile, so I know these things! Anyways, I wanted to throw her a surprise party! Is that ok?" She asks.

I nod "Of course! I think it'll be fun! It's the least we can do since Anna has done so much for us already!" I say.

Lissa jumps up happily "Really? Yasssssss! Her birthday is on the 16th, so we have a week to plan it!" She says.

"Ok. Any specific ideas?" I ask.

Lissa nods "Yep! But I need everyone to be here to tell the plan. I filled Sumia and Cordelia in on the plan already!" She says.

"Then let's go tell them! They all should be in the main area right now." I say.


One week later...


"Be quiet!"

"She coming! Get down!"

Anna opens the door to the main area.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" We all shout, jumping out of our hiding spots.

Anna jumps back in surprise, and begins to laugh "Dawwwww! You guys!" She says.

Sumia and Cordelia roll out a cake. Anna laughs even harder " "Happy vacation of the womb!" I love it!" She exclaims.

"That was my idea!" Gaius says.

"Thank you." Anna says.

I place a party hat on her head "Happy birthday, Anna!" I exclaim.

Anna giggles "Thank you, Chrom. Did Lissa put you up to this?" She asks.

I laugh "Haha! Yeah! I'm glad she did though." I say.

Anna laughs again "Thank you."

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