The Sister Part 2

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"She's beautiful!!!" Lissa exclaimed as she held her niece.

"She really is! You two are so lucky!!" Emmeryn smiled.

Chrom and I shared a look of happiness then looked back to our visitors. "Thank you!" I said. "We truly are so happy to have her in our lives..."

Chrom wrapped his arm around me and kissed the side of my head. "Yeah, we are..."

"What did you decide to name her?" Phila asked, tickling the infant.

"Lucina," I replied.

"Oh, that's a good one!" Emm exclaimed.

Lissa handed the baby off to Emmeryn and sat down next to me. "You remember 4 years ago when you told me you and Chrom would never date, Anna?" she smirked. "Well, did you ever expect to come this far?"

I smiled and took my husband's hand. " I never imagined that we would come this far..." I whispered. "I'm glad everything happened, though."

Lissa smiled. "Yeah, me too. Say, Chrom? Remember when you told me you'd never date one of my friends?"

Chrom rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah... I was wrong, you were right! Rub it in!" he chuckled.

Lissa giggled and sat back up. "I will later," She went back to baby Lucina. "I want to spend time with my niece first!"

I smiled at Chrom. "Boy, were you wrong!" I winked.

He kissed my forehead and hugged me close. "Hush..."

Just then, the door to my hospital room slammed open. Oh dear. Here come the grandparents.


Everyone turned to her and shushed her. "Shh...the baby is sleeping!" Emmeryn whispered.

"I think you should deal with them, dear," I told Chrom.

He nodded and stood back up, walking over to Emmeryn to take our baby into his arms. "Thanks for coming, Mom," he said. "Would you like to hold her?"

Lucia squealed. "Yes!!!" She took the infant into her arms and began to coo. "Hey there, little one... Hi!! You're so cute!!!" I don't think I'm ever going to get my baby back from her.

A few minutes later, my mother and Matthias came into the room. "Good gods, woman! How fast are you?!" Mom panted.

"She's always been this way with babies, Evelina..." Matthias sighed. "Trust me; don't ever get in the way of her and children!" I turned away as soon as I saw Chrom's father. Even though we've made amends and accepted one another, I still had the feeling of distrust whenever I was with him. When you look at him and Chrom, you can really see where Chrom got his looks! Matthias looked like an older version of Chrom!

"How are you doing, little bird?" Mom asked, sitting down next to me, and brushing my hair with her hand.

I smiled and clasped her hand. "Good. Sore...but good..." I muttered. "I'm glad you're here..."

She wiped away her tears, smiling back at me. "I'm so proud of you, sweetheart... You have a family of your own, now... I'm so happy!"

"Thanks, mom..." We just sat there, crying, and talking with one another for a long while.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Chrom and Matthias.

"I'm very proud of you, son," I heard Matthias say to Chrom. "I'm sorry for my absence these past years... I promise that I will do my absolute best to be here for you and your family."

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