The Distraction

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"Anna! Where are you!?" I shout. I hear a muffled grumbling noise coming from our bedroom. "Anna?" I open the door, only to see a large pillow fort built on our bed.

I approach the fort and lift up the flap "Anna, I need you help to plan something for the next party. What are you doing?" I ask.

Anna looks up from her 3DS "Oh... the party... yeah, give me a minute... or an hour..." She turns back to her game.

I groan "ANNA! You promised you wouldn't continue playing Pokemon Moon until I caught up to you in Sun! And its 11 am and you are still in your pajamas! Not only that, but I kinda need your help for our jobs!" I say.

Anna pays no mind to me "Just let me beat Olivia's trial and I'll be fine... I chose the water type starter so this will only take a minute..."

I frown and undo the base of the entire fort.

"HEY!" Anna shouts from under the blankets.

I find her, and pull her into my arms "You can play Pokemon later. Right now, you need to do your job." I order.

Anna groans, and wiggles in my grasp "Fiiiiiiine! Let me go get dressed." She says.

I release her "Good."

A few hours later, we have another blanket fort built, and we play Pokemon together.


This chapter is a poke at me, and that I should stop playing Pokemon in my onesie and get back to work on My Story.

Currently listening to: Dear Future Husband: Meghan Trainor

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