Update 2014!!!

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Hey guys!!! Well today is Tuesday 1st April 2014 and I felt like dropping by and leaving you amazing people a little message. I wanted to let you know that I am receiving and reading EVERY SINGLE comment on this book! Every day my phone constantly beeps, alerting me that I have another comment on this book and still I can't help but smile. It has become incredibly difficult to reply to each and every message because there are just soooooo many!! lol But I wanted you to know that I read all of of them and they are so cool. To see that you guys are still reading and enjoying a story that I wrote over a year ago completely melts my heart and I'm so glad that I didn't take this version down after publishing it because it's not just my baby, it's yours too and it started here. I love reading comments about Aiden, April and the gang, the story and whose team you are all on #TEAMAIDEN (I can't help it, I love him lolol).

Anyway, I just wanted to drop by and let you know that I am still LOVING reading your amazing comments. I may be silent but I'm watching and reading so please please keep them coming. You have no idea how amazing it can be to be having a bad day and then to read one of you guys comments and just burst out laughing and remember exactly why I chose to turn writing into an actual career. Here is where I discovered that I wanted to be an author and I have each and every one of you to thank for that. You have supported me, cheered me up and kept me going and I completely love you for that. I even see some of you getting into mini debates/arguments for me lol Keep the peace people!! lolol But yeah, I just wanted to say thank you and that I truly appreciate and love you. So, even if you don't see me replying to every comment know that I am here and I am so incredibly grateful. This is an awesome journey that God has taken me on over the past year+ and led me straight to you and for that I couldn't be more grateful!! Thank you and I love you!!!!

God bless my beauties!! <333 xxxx 

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