Move to New York??

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_____________________________Rachelle POV______________________________

“It’s great to see you.” Caleb said giving me a huge squeeze. 

“ Yeah it is. How comes you’re here?” I asked trying very hard to not sound disappointed or guilty that I was just making out with another guy-Oh god, worst girl friend ever.  

“I was at the airport seeing about a client and I just had to see you. This distance is really killing me-we got to do something about it.”

“Oh- what did you have in mind.?” I raised an eyebrow at him.

“ Well actually I was hoping maybe you would put in a transfer to your New York office.”

“Oh you expect me to move?” This conversation has taken one hell of a turn. 

“No-no I just thought seeing that your company has  more than one offices and one is stationed in NY-moving to NY wouldn’t be such a change you know.” 

“I’m not liking this conversation-I don’t want to have this conversation.” I started to walk off.

“Wait-this is not what I wanted. I love you Rach-and being apart from you so much is just driving me crazy.” He just said that he loves me-just shoot me now please-as I keep sinking deeper into the shit hole. I looked up at his face and he just looked so sad-and then I thought about how at moment this can go so very wrong. I made the decision that I wasn’t going to tell him now about Eric. I had to cut this off before we get any deeper.

“Caleb-my man, you’re here.” Ross barged into the room.

“Hey-yeah I had to come see my girl.” Caleb responded and gave me a kiss on my cheek. Ella was right behind Ross and though she was happy to see Caleb too she looked at me and she mouth the words “What’s wrong?” Nothing usually gets by my girl-so I didn’t know how much longer I could hide Eric-I know he said that we should keep us quiet but this is my LaLa and she’s been so out of the loop too long. 

I responded to her question in German- “Ich hab so viel zu sagen.” ( I have so much to tell.)  Choosing to reply in German she knew it must have been about Caleb and its definitely something he should not know about. 

“Hey Ross, you know I think Caleb spends all his time with ‘his girl’ and he doesn’t realize that he needs to make time for us-otherwise when he goes we’ll have nothing good to say.” Ella smiled at the two boys. 

“I hear what you’re saying-come on Caleb we’re going to a Titty-Bar.” Ross winked at me-he was living with us long enough to know when Ella and I needed to talk and I loved him for helping out but that Titty-Bar comment earned him a smack later. I watched them leave my driveway and turned in the direction to the city. 

“I’ll get B&J.” Ella said

“I’ll get the spoons.” I replied with a smile. 

We sat on the couch in silence for about five minutes just eating before anything was said.

“Wow-this is really serious.” Ella broke the ice.

“I just don’t know where to start LaLa-if I could ever create a bigger mess.” I said and release a huge sigh and started.

“I’m completely and uncontrollable in love.” I rushed out.

“That’s great! I mean its obvious Caleb is such a hottie.”

“That’s the problem Ella….Ugghh…This is not how its suppose to be.” 

“I know it must be hard being separated but that will work out too-even if I have to move my business to NY. Ross is going to Columbia anyways.”

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