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Ok i know its been a while i hadnt realise i left the last chapter as such-im so sorry if ur waiting to find out wht happens next-but i have here in this Chapter. 

Just so you understand Ella's having a flashback in her part-- and both events are happening at the same time of the same day.

I hope you like--if you think it could be any better drop ur comments please :) 

And add your Votes too please :) 



-------------------------------------------------Ella POV-----------------------------------------------------------

All this sneaking around is beginning to really annoy. Its been two months since Dylan sat in that restaurant and agreed to just be friends. Well he agreed to be friends with me until I was ready for more. Little did I expect that after only two weeks I was ready to be more than friends and find myself kissing him in the middle of a fountain-not one of proudest moments I’ll admit. Not that I have any regrets, but damn he really screwed up my plans-I decide to lay off men and this unbelievable good-looking man walks into my life. At first he made it  hell, god that man knew how to get under my skin-but now that only makes the moments of passion that much more exciting. The only dark cloud hanging over my head-is that I’m keeping it a secret from Rachelle-I’m not even so sure why is it that we are keeping it a secret-but Dylan pleaded with me to keep this quiet. 


“I need an explanation.” I spat at him-I didn’t like the idea of keeping us a secret-I don’t care it’s for a day or a year.

“Please, Ella. I can’t-you say you trust me-so just trust me. It’s better this way, just for a little while.”

“I don’t like it-it feels like your hiding me. Is there something I should know- I mean are you married with kids? Or are you gay but leading a secret heterosexual life?” He started laughing at my last question, but I was at least half serious. 

He pulled me into his arms and leaned down into the crook of my neck and slowly began to trace my collarbone with kisses.

“It’s none of those things-I promise. I just need you to have a little faith-I have some things that need to be sorted through before I can really move full-force ahead with us.”

“What do you mean full-force?” My words started to stutter as he slowly began to move from my neck up to my jaw line. “Dylan…” he was distracting me and it was working-too well.


“I’m asking you a question-don’t change the subject.” 

“I’m not changing the subject.”

My choice in dress today made it too easy for him-I wore a knee-length wrap-around silk dress that was only held together by the bow I tied to the side. With one firm tug the dressed opened and his hands were caressing my bare back.

“I don’t think this is the time or place-Dylan, anyone could just walk in.”

“Not if I locked the door.”

“OH! You were planning this.” I pulled back and slapped him against the arm.

“Ow! Woman that hurt.”

“Good. That’s what you get for trying to take advantage of me.” I said as reassembled my dress. 

“Don’t pretend like you weren’t enjoying or that you didn’t want it as much I did-I can see it in your eyes.”

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