You've got quite a grip there...

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Thank for keeping up with me. U Awesome! This chapter gets just a little steamy nothing too hardcore at the moment--have to ease you guys into it. 

I know i said im going to hold off on posting but i cant help it with most of it written in Rachelle perspective-i guess illl probably post as far up as i can.

I hope you like this one and the one to follow. If you do dont forget to Vote or Comment :)

Yolie X


Its been one week since my Dream-Date-Disaster in Dubai, I'm back Phoenix and in my old routine; work days with filled with meetings, and conference calls seeing about the Takahashi building. My building, my design, one that took two years to complete and when presented to my boss, was told it was the work of an amateur. To have it turn around a save the day when Mr. Takahashi turned down all the proposed buildings, designed by the ‘professionals.’ Then was told that due to my lack of experience with  ‘men in the conference room’ I was not suited to conduct the meeting in Dubai and was told to stay home. Well we know how that turned out- the Clark brothers were shown the door, I would have loved to have been in that room when it happened. 

Ben and Peter Clark, three years apart, both turned out to be architects. Both trying to kiss daddy’s ass I suppose, ended up choosing the exact career as their father and landed a job with daddy’s golfing buddy. I wont say they are untalented, but they are the text-book definitions of womanizers. At  least the younger one has a little hope, I don’t believe he truly likes this type of lifestyle but I guess that feeling of needing ‘big brother’s approval’ will never die. Both men are, as Ella would say “Got some good genes.” Tall, very well built, dirty blond with blue-grey eyes, and the youngest with pure blue- these guys have the office ladies drooling. I’ll admit they had me for a while until the office Christmas party my first year here in the company. I had the unfortunate experience to share an elevator ride with Ben-the older brother. I’m not sure what it is but I just think some persons, not just men, when they hear the words ‘Office Party’ they are actually hearing “Let’s get drunk and screw!” By the end of that elevator ride Ben had the privilege of meeting my right hook (Thank you Taebo) and my hand hurt for two days. I didn’t see him after that but the rumor was he got mugged after he left the party. 

“Excuse Ms. Berg, I have your messages here and also a bit of mail came for you today.”

“Thanks Michael, by the way you didn’t get your time off did you, at least not your full time-off.”

“No. I didn’t.”

“Well please do, I managed to get a little relaxation and it would be selfish of me to rob you of that. So as of Friday mid-day your off work and I don’t want to see you until Wednesday.”

“Really?! Fucking awesome! I mean thanks Ms. Berg-I really appreciate that.” 

I waved off his gratitude and his very uncouth outburst and reminded him its not Friday yet-so there was still work to be done. I turned to my PC and began to check my emails-well actually I checked if Caleb made any form of contact- but nothing but work as usual. I took a deep breath and turned to my messages and mail. Amongst the pile there was a small UPS packet, with NY on its label-I looked at it and I stopped breathing for about one second. I reached for it, ripped it opened and found only a copy of the Takahashi Project including contract. Frustrated I grabbed the empty packet and headed for the bin, as I made my way over a small gold envelope fell to the ground, it was addressed to  ‘Lady Berg’ -in a familiar hand-writing. I picked it up sat in my corner chair facing the window looking out into the city. I begun to opened it and the familiar scent of lavender brush against my nostrils; in it was another poem

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