Chapter 58

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Even from feet away, I could already hear sounds of windows being shut. I jogged to open the door without knocking but before I could do that, five feet away, and I already saw her rushing to lock the door with things locked in her arms. She was going to leave.

"Where are you going?" I asked and just stood to watch her.

She cocked her head in shock with her eyes wide open. She made a sound of relief when she saw me. "Somewhere," she replied.

Nonsense. I walked toward her and grabbed garments. For a moment, I thought they were old rags. But as soon as I calmly took a hold of them, she already yanked it back. "Why?" I asked with complete misunderstanding.

"I've told you," she jabbed a finger at me. "You are not supposed to be here!"

"I know. I'm sorry. I ju-"

"You broke the deal!"

I pulled her into a tight hug. The hug that we both seemed to need for years and years, the hug that would complete us. "I broke the deal. I betrayed it," I whispered in her ears. I would not permit her to say more words. I heard her cry. I heard us cry. I felt her tears at my back flowing down.

"I was going to run away, Selene. But why did you come for the second time?" She asked when we let go of the hug.

I wiped her tears in her face with my thumbs. "I had come and gone. That wasn't the last time."

"I banished you. How stubborn must you be?"

I unavoidably chuckled. "Where are you going?" I asked her, gesturing to the things in her hand. "Seriously," I made an earnest look.

"You don't want to know. You don't have to know," she shook her head.

"Of course I want to know!" I suddenly shouted.

She grinned and a laugh had come out. "I'm certain you don't. You are not my child. My child obeys me no matter what."

That certainly hit me so hard inside that more tears came. "You don't know your own child. How could you say that?" Due to sorrow, words came in a whisper.

"Every child loves her mother. If she truly loves her mother, then she should've left. Because that's what her mother said. Children are obedient to their parents," she began glaring. "You disobeyed when you ought to obey."

"I disobey whenever I want to! Most especially when it involves something important to you. You know nothing about me, Mother. All my life I lived a life that could scarcely be called living. Every child there is living a life with both parents beside him. You don't know how hard it is to live without a mother. Now, I have seen you. We have met. You banished me, I went back. Why? Because I
want to make certain that you are safe here regardless of the fact that Grezsatly is never safe. The house that Father built when you gave birth to me so I could live for a short time only was set on fire. And still, it's burning. Now, you call that disobeying?"

"It's aflame?" She asked in utter surprise. She cupped my face in her hands and gazed at me directly with my eyes full of pain and sorrow and with her eyes full of worry and terror. "When did this happen?"

"This morning," I could hardly speak. I leaned my head for a whisper in her ear. "Don't leave us. Please."

I heard her sob. "Your father?"

"We all made it. We were all alive when the vampires thought we wouldn't."

"Perhaps I'll end being a nomad. A wanderer who has no permanent home. This is the time to protect my family. Especially in this time of great danger."

Those words were like the light in my darkest place. It made me smile in the easiest way. "Come with me," I offered my hand. "Mother." 

She returned the smile when she finally gave her hand.

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