Chapter 8

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I woke up when I thought I died. I saw a ceiling when I supposed to see the sky. I blinked my eyes and permitted it to adjust, maybe I was just dreaming. I tilted my head to explore the dark place without any light around me. I saw a window to my right covered with flying silk curtains. It was opened, the air was whooshing in. I slightly shivered. A closed door to my north and another one to my left that could be the comfort room. I helplessly smiled because I knew I was home. Home. Wait, what?

I focused my mind to try to reminisce things. Last I remembered I was wandering the forest alone. Alone. I lost my way when I forced myself that I didn't. Lost. I slipped and fell on a slope. Slipped and fell. I got up and continued walking. I noticed my walk was unusual because something was wrong with my leg. Limping. I saw a silhouette coming slowly toward me. Silhouette. That was the last thing I saw. My body was acting wrongly. I passed out.

I widened my eyes in shock as I was hit with realization that I was in someone's house, lying in someone's bed. That 'someone' was most probably a kidnapper. A beast that wanted to eat me since I was in a profound world. I punched my temple for it to work. I had to think.

The beast was good. What if he really was? What if he just cared? He picked my body up and carried me all the way from the forest to here, anyway. I knew he was the silhouette, the last thing I saw.

Once a beast, always a beast. He could possibly kidnap me. He could possibly be a kidnapper. Just like what I thought the last three minutes, he wanted to eat me that was why he got me in here.

Come on, you little mind, work!

I was in Grezsatly. A supernatural world where vampires, werewolves, and Heaven knows what else live here. This was a devilish world. A hellhole. If I was going to remain here, I was just awaiting for my death. Early death, because I'm still young. If I was a pure human, I may be in my early twenties. "Trust no one but me, you, your wolf."

Footfalls were coming. That was the beast, I knew. I did not think twice about letting my legs dangle and wear a pair of something that comforts the feet when walking, this was a pair of slippers, Grezsatly-made.

His footfalls got louder. I rushed walking toward the window. It was a few feet away from the bed, and I finally escaped and leaped through the window.

The moon was shining bright upon the whole land as I was freely running away. I felt like a prisoner who was imprisoned for thirty years and this was the only time I escaped. I helplessly grinned and almost laugh in a boisterous way when I thought of that fact at the same time enjoying the breeze fan my face. It had been a long time since I felt this wind. It was so cold it sent me chills and made my hairs on my skin rise. The temperature tonight was colder than the one I experienced when I lost my way in the Blue Forest.

I ran straight for several minutes. And I curved for the first time, that was the not the last time. Who knew I was just making my around that house. I never knew the right path where to go. But I just told myself it was fine as long as I wouldn't stop running. How did I curve? If there was a tree incoming—no, not right—if I saw a tree directly in front of me, I immediately look for a clearer path. I just wished my mission was successful.

My run was entirely different from my usual one. One fucking reason was that I was wearing a fucking pair of slippers, and that thing wouldn't really help you if you run. Another was because of my limp leg. Of course, I wouldn't avoid cursing it. It made me even think I would prefer for this injured one to be cut than for me to suffer for God knows how long.

But the positive side of my brain was telling me that I was a fast runner. You are an athlete, Selene. A running athlete. So that took effect and convinced me, making me fully forget about the negative thoughts.

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