Chapter 26

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"I couldn't accept that both of you beat me," I told Abel. We were in my house, particularly, in my room.

He did not chuckle, I expected that he would. "We beat you for a good reason," he said. "But I couldn't accept that you were stubborn," now he chuckled. Wrong timing, mister Mullen.

"Stubborn in a good way," I assured him. "I just couldn't wait to deal with Ashmei. I don't care how much bloody that fight will be. Even listening to her own name makes me retch. What makes her so evil? Too evil that killing her own kind makes her sport?"

"I have no idea. No one actually knows. Her hideout has remained a mystery ever since. What I know for sure is that there were vampires who tried to know, but it just meant their lives. They died. Most likely she killed them."

"What I could really think is that she is literally either out of her mind ever since or she needed to do all of this for a purpose."

"Yeah," he nodded. "But. . . I couldn't move on from what the Elder had told us. We're going to the human's world? To where you live for years?"

I made the tiniest of nods. "Yes. But we have the same feeling."

"I don't really know. . . But I'm having trouble making a choice. I had not yet experienced a long long haul, travel an extremely far place as if you'll die first before you arrive. It's like leaving the planet and going to another universe. Convince me to go there. I don't want to suffer living my life traveling despite that I'm immortal. I still want to do things."

I smirked at him. "I am going. So you certainly should as well. And what things do you want to do?" I was absolutely curious at that.

"It's none of your concern, Selene. And it's too many to mention. If you're thinking about asking me just one, I won't let you. So will it be worth it? What does that world look like?" He seemed to be half-convinced already. How strong my temptation was . . .

"It's similar with Grezsatly. Only there are cities with very tall buildings. And much cooler things."

"Cities. Right. But what does your house there look like?"

"Like I've said, it's similar with our world. There are trees in US, but only a few. Unlike here, wherever you go and wherever you look, there are trees all the way. But my house. . . It looks like this one, but let's just say it's designed better than this house."

"You mean it's huger?"

"Yeah, huger."

"Sorry for acting as if I don't know anything in a way that I seemed to be a newborn babe that was requested to do a thing that babes shouldn't do or go to a place where babes couldn't go. I'm just curious. But if you're thinking that I'm completely blank with any idea about humans, I'll tell you that all vampires know that we aren't the only creatures living in this world besides living with the werewolves. The first and only idea we all know. The second and last one where fewer vampires know this: the human's world is a billion leagues away. That's why I said it's a long long haul to go. About the places, what they do, nothing at all."

"Alright. But I have human friends there, good human friends. What I mean is that you won't have trouble making friends with them. I mean, they won't have trouble making friends with you. They even absolutely know that I'm a vampire creature. So this time, you won't have trouble pretending like a human. And the most exciting part there? Parties. You go to sleepless and wild parties."

"What are people supposed to do there? Believe it or not, I'm not good at making friends with anyone. I'm a fucking introvert." I laughed at the way he looked. But I accepted it, though.

"You drink, you talk to friends. You talk to strangers, you kiss strangers and you have sex with strangers. It's like every law does not take effect there. Or simply exists."

He gasped. "Isn't that abomination?!"

"Abomination it is. But the point there is that you'll have a lot of fun. Like endlessly. An innocent creature isn't allowed there like you, I'm afraid."

"You've gotten to parties?" He asked, ignoring what I told him.

I quickly nodded that made him gasp again. "So you lost your virginity?"

"Eew, no. For crying out loud, I'd never have sex with anyone I don't know. Not until I get married. But obsession? Obsession couldn't be resisted. Ever. Once you want it, you wouldn't regret about doing it,"—I decided to tell him the truth—"like being with you. That's called obsession. Obsession makes me want to taste you. Kiss you so fucking hard. Luckily, there are ways to stop it. I could barely think of ways, however. So, yeah. Living is basically fun."

His lips curled into a wicked smile. "Of course, who wouldn't resist my handsome face and my abs? Honestly, truth says that I want to fuck you. But speaking of which, it is also possible that women in parties can be taken advantage of."

I made a tsking sound. "Are you kidding me?! That's obvious! The problem's just girls like it. But let's not think about them. Not our lives. Period."

"What are we gonna do there, then?"

"Maybe just bond with my friends—Vanessa and Lucas."

"Do they have a relationship?" This is what I like about this vampire introverted bad boy—he gets things in just an instant. He ain't the type where you have to tell the obvious before he gets the meaning.

"I don't really know. But deep within them, I know they feel in love with each other. I bet sooner or later they'll suddenly kiss in the middle of an inappropriate place."

"Like us," he laughed.

"Well, where we kissed is a perfect place," I contradicted. "Tomorrow morning, we'll leave, right?"

"Correct. So let us now sleep early. But first, we'll have dinner."

"By the way, do we have to change my name?" He remembered asking that.

"Nah. Not needed. Your name sounds very humanlike. And besides, let's just say you're some Indian, African or whatever." It was also easy to pronounce, most importantly. Only you don't look like one, Abel.

On dinner time, Tate was with us. I know he gave Abel a few glares. So I waited for us to finish first before talking to him.

"Why did you bring him here?!" Tate whispered as he looked warily around. We were a couple of feet away from the house to be certain he was out of earshot.

"We're going to the human's world, Tate. Do not react again," I emphasized every word in my second statement.

"Of course I wouldn't," he said.

"I perfectly know you, Tate," I told him.

"Right, we're best friends. So. . . What made you think of that notion?" His brow was furrowed.

I sighed. "The Elder told us. Without any reason at all. So please, do not stop us."

"Okay, okay, I won't stop you. But to be fair, do not stop me from going with you."

I knew it. I knew he was going to go with us. I had anticipated that right from the start. "Please, Tate. We are not kids anymore. We could both handle ourselves. Look, I am not meddling with your affairs. So please, do the same to me if you really do love me as your best friend," I begged. "If you're freely spending your time with your pack, then let me have the same thing. Freedom."

He sighed a long sigh. "I'm sorry if I was. But I know for sure that you know that it's only for your protection, right? But okay, I understand you." I watched him as he jogged toward the blackness.

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