Chapter 14

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"While I was exploring the forest without either of you, I was trying to get some clues there. Some suspicious clues. Houses, scratches since vampires had sharp claws . . . Corpses, or any graveyard," I said with the both of them as I drank a hot tea in a teacup. I turned my gaze from the empty air to Chris. "Dad, do you know where graveyards are in this world? Or if they even exist."

"Of course they do!" Tate interfered.

"Hey, people make mistakes, Tate. Especially me. I'm almost a tourist here," I defended as I gave him a death glare.

"Touché," he exclaimed. "But, anyways, I'm sorry."

"You inherited almost every trait I have, Selene. Most especially inquisitiveness. At nature. Before anything good happened to me, I was the youngest explorer back then. From what I could reminisce, I was fifteen or sixteen there. I was adventuring into a forest until I teleported into the same place. At first, I thought it really was. But when I tried to examine the things around me, I felt the greatest explorer in the world, discovering the most bizarre things at the most bizarre place. I always bring my journal where I write and draw my observations there. It was merely a coincidence that a young woman had shown up right before my eyes when I was observing a strange sort of worm. I wanted to ask where I was, but it stopped me from doing it when I saw another odd being. She wasn't a human, it crossed my mind. She was probably an alien, a supernatural being we weren't supposed to believe in. But she was undeniably and definitely the most beautiful creature I've seen.

"She had a dark red hair, eyes so beautiful and tempting that it almost wanted to eat you. Only her red pupils shone so bright like a diamond. But then she had long, sharp claws in her nails and fangs came out that made me think she was an alien. And then I just noted the observations on my mind. Not in my journal because in what I could remember I lost it. She was a few feet away from me, but when I looked into her she warned me saying that where I went could certainly cause me death, so she ran as fast as a lightning and did something to me that made me pass out. When I woke up, her perfect face was there. And then she saved my life without me knowing where I was and then we just fell in love. A human falling for an alien."

"You never told me that story," I instantly told him. Without any comment. But my mind had decided. "What a perfect ending, by the way. The oddest story any human could've listened to."

"Obviously because I kept it as a secret. And that secret was finally known," he answered and suddenly turned serious. "I've said the story for you to see that every place in Grezsatly is full of danger. There are evil vampires here eager to kill. Think about yourself and us, Selene. Finding your mother is suicide. Stop your plan before anything befalls you. If you're stubborn, go and wait for Death to get you."

I perfectly know what he meant. That he was just thinking about my safety. But I do believe in my quote that is apparently full of truth that said it was better to die trying than live waiting until living would be pointless. "Dad, nobody knows the prophecy. I choose to apologize for being stubborn. Still, I'm not gonna quit finding her,"—I could hardly mention the next word—"or her body. I'm not gonna quit revealing the big truth. For now, I'll be a crime investigator. I'm really sorry about this, dad." They say that a mother is the greatest gift that life has to offer.

"I'll go to Abel and ask for his help. He should come with me. He's the only one who perfectly knows Grezsatly."

"But I also know . . ." Tate murmured.

"No, you don't. Tate, you scarcely know this as well as I. C'mon, take a rest. You need a full one, and I tell you, you deserve every comfort," I said.

"But you are my comfort. Believe me, I don't need those things. I'm not gonna risk losing you again, Selene. You know how much I love my best friend," he protested. Every word he said, saying this once again, I always believed it. Always, Tate, always.

"I perfectly know, Tate," I agreed. "But let me go, just for once. Let me have my freedom. Please." You gotta trust Abel, Tate. You have to, I almost whispered to him.

I heard one long sigh. "Okay, Selene. Okay." Okay. That was the easiest surrendering word.

I left the house and went for another trip and walk into the mysterious woods as soon as I finished my cup. I was not gonna waste any more time. Time was vital to me. I used a power up that could not effectively eat too much of my time. That power up I called was merely running, but running in a very incredible way wherein I run extremely fast. I've learnt that from Dad, he told me that was one vampire advantage. Just before I left the house. He always remained there, like a real prisoner with Tate since going out was dangerous, he said himself.

Thinking about that made me so excited. If I should've known about this, I should've won every medal existing back in our school. I was a runner there, more like a racer where we run and compete on a gigantic oval ground and go in circles. And my most favorite part there was leaping on an obstacle, a very great challenge to me. Surreally thinking about a possible way of winning every competition I even attended to. You could call it cheating. But being a student, I perfectly understood and believed in our quote: Cheating is better than repeating. Get the point?

But regardless of my evil imaginations, I felt contented reminiscing getting awarded with tons of awards and a few medals. So going back, I did my first attempt. First, it required concentration and focus. Like a meditation. At the same time, I tried to run. And then all of a sudden my feet turned into cheetah's. Cheetahs were the fastest animal on land. I was successfully saving time and energy.

I kept my eyes open. Being a vampire, we didn't actually needed to blink again and again and again unlike a human. A human needed to blink every second, because if they wouldn't, their eyes would easily dry up. So I did my very best to decrease the time of blinking and blinking. Being a cheetah, apparently two, three, or four times faster than them, I kept cautious of my way. Of any possible tree I could collide with. Being a weird imaginer, I imagined myself bumping one of those trees and having a 'boo-boo'.

I could see no tree at all. I could not see the sky, or anything that was around me. I could scarcely even see. All I could see was a color green, a color white mixed with blue. That blue probably came from the sky. The green—the trees, bushes, and plants. White, maybe it wasn't really there. I don't know.

Being The Flash suddenly ended. Seriously, it was all of a sudden. I did not stop my feet, or anything in my body. I first glanced around me to know where I was. A lake was right there, far left. But in my right side was the Mullens. I was finally at their home.

I couldn't avoid to cover my mouth and gasp grinning. I could not believe any of this. Right on the house porch was Eilif running inside, screaming Abel's name.

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