Chapter 48

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The music was finally done. A woman wearing a designed face mask dared to join him. She had a dress aglow and it seemed like it shone so much it could attract every attention in this house. It was a perfect timing when the DJ was finding a perfect song for Abel. But the DJ was beside and noticed them that played a romantic song instead of a disco one. He mistook them for a couple. And if I were to tell, they do fit to be with each other.

I didn't feel it was right, honestly, but I kept on watching. I could see as the woman in the mask looked at the DJ, giving a sign.

Abel was bewildered as the girl danced on his body as the music began, her back on his chest, her hands wrapped around his neck.

"What the fucking shit," Vanessa cursed, whispering. My eyes became so red that tears started streaming down.

The audience, reacted. A wild outburst of applause. And they adjusted themselves to give a wider space and dance with them. He wasn't dancing with her, nor stopped her, neither. He was confused. And it looked like he didn't even know what to do. I read him, and I could see that he didn't want to humiliate or offend the girl. He smirked as the mysterious girl in mask looked at him. 

But the scene happening there had awoken me, it made me fully active when I was inactive a while back, drinking. My friends looked at me, as if they were asking what I would do, or supposed to do. "That smirk does it," I grumbled. I looked apologetically at Vanessa and Lucas. "I'm sorry, guys. I just have to do one thing that could possibly ruin your night. But I'll do my best to avoid it."

Before I could wait for their responses, I already stood then exited the room and quickly escaped the house like a roaring dragon. Only I had fire in my mouth and I was fucking ready to blow it at that girl's face.

I went through the crowd angrily, my body colliding with three, four, or five bodies. I was at the middle where he and she were.

The dance and music was still going on. Before I could freeze on the ground and fold my arms, Abel saw me. He moved toward me when the girl looked at him with a cocked eyebrow. He finally gave her a glare the time he saw me intruding them. I didn't know if that was genuine or something because I saw him liking the way the girl danced. The music stopped.

"Excuse me, Abel."

He opened his mouth, about to say something, but he sighed and just moved. My fists were clenched as I took a step forward toward the girl. I even laughed at the fact that she was the only wearing that.

I knew that he was drunk, and that he wasn't sure what to do. What I wasn't so sure about was to be mad at him or not. But I didn't have to worry about that right now. I had to deal with the girl who was seducing him.

When I went nearer, I saw that her hair was very recognizable—same blonde hair. From afar, it was paler from the lights shining everywhere. It was so bright it seemed like it was reflecting.

I tried to avoid looking at her face even though it was covered with a mask because it really irritated me while I yanked Abel's hand. I couldn't avoid taking a peek. One more peek, Selene. And you'll have no choice but to castrate her.

Abel was always obedient to me that we finally went somewhere darker somehow. I never knew that she was just behind us. She really wanted a fight here.

With an irritated look, I said: "Now, what do you need?" Without waiting for any response, I was a daredevil to remove that mask, revealing a common face—a face that I already knew. The face that haunted me. I backed a few steps, shock was in my expression that I dropped the mask on the ground.

It was only Valerie who was behind the mask. Duh, who else?

Valerie smiled wickedly, and she didn't even seemed to care about her surroundings.

He moved and went beside me. "Let's go now and leave her," he told me, trying to avoid a fight.

If she didn't care about her surroundings, well, hell, I was not either. Fewer people, darker place. "No," I scowled at him when I ought to scowl at the girl. "Back off," I sounded as calm as possible.

I went near her to quickly grab her by the arm as tight as I could. "You better stop seducing him," I jabbed a finger at her.

She snickered. "And why will I stop?"

"Because y-"

"Because I'm not even yours, Valerie," he answered for me, then glanced. "I'm sorry for everything," he whispered.

And then my three friends suddenly came. "What's happening?" Tate asked as they walked.

"I'll never stop till that guy will be mine," and there went her smile again. "I'm not scared." Well, I'm afraid you'd be when you'll see the real me.

I was about to ask Vanessa why she invited this bitch to her party. I mean she knew about the two of us. But she left with a rush.

I had no more patience left for her. Well, maybe ever since. "You are so immature, Valerie! Can't you just accept the fact that this guy beside me is taken and that nobody owns you?" I uttered. "Why won't you just leave us be?!"

"Of course, but first . . ." She laughed, then quickly ran towards me to give a slap. And because I was with two equally-strong vampires, they were so quick that Lucas grabbed Valerie by the arms and Abel was a shield.

"Don't you do that again, Valerie!" He commanded, his face furious and apparently red.

"I don't understand . . . You're angry with me, right? Why won't you just do these things to me instead?! You're disturbing too much people because of this shit," I told her.

She side-smiled at me. Before she could manage to speak words to me, it was the perfect time that Vanessa was with two huge men that were most probably her guards. "Get her away from the house." She immediately ordered them.

The two men already carried Valerie, since it was obvious she was going to resist. But one of them stopped then spoke. "Ma'am, this girl would keep on screaming outside," he said that made sense. It was possible.

"Just do whatever it takes to stay her away," she was closing her eyes when she answered.

'Yes, ma'am."  

Valerie was ceaselessly moving for a chance that she could escape, but the guards were too tough and big. Finally, that girl was gone. I guess we were sober.

"Let's get back inside the room and continue the talking," Vanessa said. I glanced at her to look for a hint of exasperation, but she was either hiding it or she just wasn't.

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