Chapter 54

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"What happened?" Everyone stood panicky and worriedly. It was Lys's voice.

"It's Tate," I answered.

"What did he do to him?" Rov asked. It was true, everyone was definitely worried.

"He almost killed him." Yup, almost did. And if I didn't come, I couldn't imagine what would happen to Abel Mullen.

"I think it's better if we leave him alone," Lys was referring to the wolf.


I was really desperate to do anything just to forget about any of this. So I said: "Let's go and explore the forest . . . Find a good clearing for your house. We'll find a way to build it," I unexpectedly said.

"Are you ready for it?" Angeni asked the couples.

"I think we're ready. We already hunted in the whole week we lived."

We walked for miles. I honestly wanted to go back now since my legs were aching from weariness, but I didn't want to ruin everything most especially because it was I who told them to look for any clearing. We tried to visit every clearing that the Mullen siblings knew, and based from their reactions, I think Lys took note of them. We still pressed on because she said that who knew maybe we would find something far better. It was just apparent she needed a view.

"Tell us about the forest, Angeni," Lys said to avoid every silence trying to get to us.

So she told us some stories about this Blue Forest to us, apparently, more to them. I wasn't actually listening, since my mind was with the nature to avoid myself from complaining. I looked at the skies above me, to the trees as high as skyscrapers that seemed to grow for millions of years already, if measuring the human time. But before I could relax and deepen my hearing to hear the lowest sound of all, I had sensed something that suddenly moved that captured my sight. I caught the movement. I saw a young girl that had her eyes widened and locked staring just beneath her. Those eyes were only staring at us. At me.

"Have you seen that?" I pointed at it.

"Tell me, what the heck is that?" Lys gasped and had begun shivering.

"Just hide in those bushes right now," Abel almost chewed his words.

In fear, we hid to the nearest and thickest bush without any question. 

At the precise time we ran the quickest, strange shadows jumped from high above the trees. The forest was barely even bright, it was becoming evening now.

I watched as the sinister vampires walked around, as if they were going to wait or meet someone. It had occurred to me that it was possible we were the ones they were looking and waiting for because they might have seen us. But I told myself that I saw us running the vampire run, so there was another good chance we weren't caught.

But I just couldn't help but wonder why they had to jump from the trees. Maybe that was where they were hiding all along.

My thinking was interrupted when I heard them talking in a different language. None other than the Grezsatlic tongue. The bushes where we were hiding were simply near them. That thought made me tremble more.

But thanks to my panic, or anyone's panic, they noticed something. They were sniffing and walking around. Five vampires roaming around, finding us, most probably. A smaller shadow of another vampire had come simultaneously. It was a matter of seconds when I realized that shadow was the one staring at me back there high in the trees. They were all busy talking to each other that they did not notice the girl.

I had heard Rov swallowed his throat.

"What are they gonna do to us if they'll find us?" Lys whispered, her voice very shaky.

I could see as a man with his hair pure in brown on my front was sniffing, his eyes searching. I was trembling even more, what if the man could find us right now? I tried my best not to move any muscle.

No one bothered to answer her question.

The sniffing man went nearer, I could see it through the bush holes. And the man slightly shook his body, as if he already sensed it, he walked beside me. I covered my mouth because I knew I was going to shriek. The man pointed at us when he spoke the Grezsatlic Tongue. Everyone looked at the tall man, his bright, red eyes shining through the darkness. Every eyes had widened in shock, including the sniffing man's. 

Abel grabbed my hand. I stared at the man, but everyone started running very quickly when the man's friends came one by one. He stood to pull me by the hand, but I resisted. I had to stare longer and wait for his friends, to recognize their faces—or just maybe see them. The number had increased, three of them were now standing in front of me.

Why weren't they attacking, anyway? He pulled my hand for the third time, and I didn't care if it was too tight already. I saw them, but didn't recognize. They all were new to me. But of course, I was trying to know their faces so the next time I would see them I would just kill them. And I knew I had to listen to him, so we ran away from them.

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